Fashion Magazine

Photo Inspiration Outfit Contest Finalists Announced

By Bridgetteraes @BridgetteRaes

Photo Inspiration Outfit Contest Finalists AnnouncedAfter my hiatus from blogging, I was so excited to come back fresh and ready. Unfortunately, as luck would have it, I'm sick. I have one of the worst head colds imaginable. It has been years since I have been this sick.

To make matters worse, I also threw out my back. It all started last week when I felt some sniffles coming on. Brushing it off as either allergies or a mild cold, I slowed down a bit but continued on. I even went to the gym for light workouts. While stretching after some cardio, I felt a twinge in my lower back and knew from past experience this wasn't good. Within hours I was flat on my back trying to recover because I had a client the next day. Somehow I rallied, saw my client all day on Saturday and by Saturday night my cold hit its peak and my back was only mildly better. The past few days of recovery have been horrendous. If I lay on my back to rest my back the congestion got worse and when I sneeze my back spasms. Yea, good times.

I wish I could say I was rested and ready to go, but I am hobbling into my return. However, the one post I wanted to get up was the announcement of the photo inspiration outfit contest finalists. There were so many beautiful submissions and I am thrilled to share my finalist selections. It's now up to you to choose the winner. In the comments below, vote for your favorite. The winner will be revealed as an Instagram photo on September 13th. You can find me on Instagram here.

Photo Inspiration Outfit Contest Finalists

Entry #1- Lori

Photo Inspiration Outfit Contest Finalists Announced
I loved the way Lori used the touches of blues to finish her outfit. She told me she mashed up some basics from her wardrobe to create this look. Nice job, Lori.

Entry #2- Barbara

Photo Inspiration Outfit Contest Finalists Announced

Barbara sent me several entries and this one stood out as my favorite and worthy to become a finalist. She told me she had a lot of fun doing this project. I can tell she did.

Entry #3- Carol

Photo Inspiration Outfit Contest Finalists Announced

Carol put this understated outfit together that has the perfect pop of red to pick up the accent in the photo. I loved the way her outfit not only captured the colors in the photo but the mood of it as well.

Entry #4- Amy

Photo Inspiration Outfit Contest Finalists Announced
Amy did an incredible job of creating this adorable little look that so perfectly captured the photo. Too cute! Nice work.

Entry #5- Kelly

Photo Inspiration Outfit Contest Finalists Announced

Kelly created a more upscale look using this photo as inspiration. Even if she didn't make the top 10, Kelly told me she found the project to be a lot of fun. If I had the legs for them, I'd totally wear those booties. Nice find, Kelly.

Entry #6- Betsy

Photo Inspiration Outfit Contest Finalists Announced
Colorado girl, Betsy, created this country inspired outfit using this photo. I love that scarf and those red cowboy boots. Nice job, Betsy!

Entry #7- Aneta

Photo Inspiration Outfit Contest Finalists Announced
Aneta proudly created this outfit only using pieces found in her wardrobe. It's a lovely interpretation of the photo and a very practical, yet stylish, outfit. Kudos, Aneta!

Entry #8- Lauren

Photo Inspiration Outfit Contest Finalists Announced

Lauren found this contest particularly helpful. She told me she had all these pieces in her closet but never thought to wear them together. It was the photo that inspired her. Wearing the outfit to work, she got a ton of compliments. How incredibly awesome!

In my opinion, all these finalists are winners. Yet, only one can win a free virtual hour with me. Make sure your favorite takes home the prize by voting for them in the comments. To my finalists, you all rock!

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