Entertainment Magazine

Phone Home: Ways

Posted on the 08 January 2014 by Hctf @hctf
Phone Home: Ways

Phone Home, a NYC based math-rock band with a gift for melody, didn't care for vocals. that they included a remix of Girl Don't Fight It featuring a lyricist Jon Ross on their new EP Ways. Does it work? Not so much. It takes away the mystery - who needs a voice over when you try to build a soundscape.

With the siblings John and Michael Vallarelli using brotherly telepathy to connect and guitar player Jeff Santoro wandering around and adding echo-heavy flourishes they should go Mogwai and forgo the spoken word altogether.

Phone Home: Ways

Phone Home:
John Vallarelli: drums
Michael Vallarelli: synth and piano
Jeff Santoro: guitars

  1. Girl Don't Fight It
  2. Our Bed
  3. Girl Don't Fight It (Challenger Remix)

Ways is a self-released EP. Buy it from their website.

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