That is up $91,591 since our last review for our paired Long-Term (LTP) and Short-Term Portfolios (STP). Even though we made less money than we did the month before, I'm very proud of the way our positions held up during the drop though – on the whole, the S&P was at 4,464 on the morning of Feb 17th and today it's at 4,372 so not even down 100 points (2.5%) is really not a big deal – though we were down over 300 last week.
And that is the true key to hedging, it enables you NOT to have to sell your stocks in a downturn so you don't have to panic out of positions. At PhilStockWorld, we take hedging to another levels because we use our hedges as a money-pump – which provides CASH!!! to our portfolios during a downturn and that then gives us a chance to be like Buffett and do some more buying when other people are panicking.
It doesn't have to be much, as you saw in Part 1 of our March Portfolio Review on Tuesday, we just make some small little adjustments in our positions and that steers us more bullish or more bearish when we need to. We made no changes at all in our Money Talk Portfolio because we only make them live on the show but those positions have gained $23,615 since Tuesday – almost 10% of the entire portfolio in two days.
That's because of Part 2 of our Strategy – VALUE INVESTING! If you pick good stocks – they will take care of themselves… Yes, they may go down when the market goes down but they are more likely to recover and, when you combine that fact with our ability to adjust our positions when they are down – it's a very powerfull combination as the market recovers.
And notice how much CASH!!! we have in the MTP – that is typical of our strategy and again, it leaves us flexible enough that we actually enjoy these little market corrections the way a lion enjoys a herd of gazelles stuck in the mud – we get to pick and…
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