Business Magazine

Philstockworld July Portfolio Review – Members Only

Posted on the 17 July 2020 by Phil's Stock World @philstockworld

Image result for one million dollars animated gifRather than writing about news the market is ignoring, I thought I'd get started on our Portfolio Review.

I tried this last month and never finished it (finished in chat) but, seriously, I am trying not to be doom and gloomy so I'm going to ignore the news and focus on our nice Member Portfolios and this should be quick because we did the Long-Term Portfolio (LTP) Review on Wednesday morning (only 2 changes) and the Short-Term Portfolio (STP) Review on Tuesday (no changes) and the reason there is nothing to change is because we are super well-balanced, as we should be in a time of uncerainty.  

How well-balanced.  Well the STP was at $405,464 on Tuesday and the LTP was $901,428 on Wednesday for a combined $1,307,074 in our primary paired portfolios and, as of yesterday's close, we're at $928,128 and $381,501 for a combined $1,309,629 – that's pretty well-balanced!

There are two ways to play uncerainty and one is to go to CASH!!! and we topped out at right about $1.4M (up 133% for the year) in the LTP/STP and I said at the time that we should put a stop at $1.2M to preserve a double but then we had some craziness with TSLA so we rode that out and hopefully it will calm down and start making some money.  In any case, we didn't cash out, we decided to hold our positions and being well-hedged is like cashing out as we're not likely to make a lot but, if we're quick, we have a better chance of catching a nice move than if we were just sitting on sidelined cash. 

If we were not locked in our homes with nothing to do – I would have cashed out and been on a nice 3-week cruise at the moment – that is the more sensible thing to do.  The advantage of either CASH!!! or balance in an uncertain market is that, if the market goes lower and you hold your value – then you have a lot of money to buy stocks when they are actually cheap – just like we did in March – which is why we are up so much now.  We'd hate to miss another…

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