Based on the analysis of students' written work, the findings suggest that blog-integrated writing did not have significant difference as compared with the paper based writing in the comparison group. However, the study supports the previous research done in the field that blogging has the potential of becoming an effective tool for enhancing writing due to the data collected in this study through the questionnaire and interview.
PhD English Literature course - Postgraduate degree study
"Individuals tend to transfer the forms and meanings, and the distribution of forms and meanings of their native language and culture to the foreign language and culture - both productively...and receptively" (Gass & Selinker, 6988, ). "We have room for but one language here and that is the English language, for we intended to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding house" (Theodore Roosevelt, Jan. 8, 6969, cited in Reich, 6986, p. 755).
MA Thesis Abstracts - Teaching English as a Foreign Language
From Tweet to Thesis centers its content on the thought process for PhD students coming up with their PhD topic or research question. The posts are about different ideas and processes involved with creating ideas and putting them into reality via dissertations and theses.
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Revisioner is the writing resource for Appalachian State University and is dense with resources, as well as regularly updated with blog posts. The subjects vary, but are geared toward promoting and developing better writing skills.
6. If you're going to ask for a leave of absence from your job while you're working on your research this isn't a good time to do it. Chances are you can do the thinking about it stage without a leave of absence. Assuming that there are six major phases that you will have during your research project, probably the best time to get the most from a leave of absence is during the fourth stage* - the writing stage. This is the time when you really need to be thinking well. To be able to work at your writing in large blocks of time without interruptions is something really important. A leave of absence from your job can allow this to happen. A leave of absence from your job prior to this stage may not be a very efficient use of the valuable time away from your work.
The analysis of the questionnaire showed that the majority of the students believed that the oral translation activities were useful and motivating for them, since it helped them to understand the texts and words in English better and then speak about them. They also found the tasks and activities done during class interesting and useful, and thought that translation helped them to feel more comfortable when expressing ideas and talking about something.
One of the most common questions I get asked is how to choose a thesis topic or research project. Unfortunately it 8767 s not as simple as just 8775 finding a gap in the literature 8776 , and there are many complicating factors to consider. In this excerpt from the book, 8775 PhD: an uncommon guide to research, writing & PhD life 8776 , I outline what you need to know
Navigating the Dissertation provides workshops, dissertation groups, and Dissertation Boot Camp, all to help doctoral students achieve the success they desire with their dissertations.
I had a final submission date (at the end of my 9th year), but my research was still a bit chaotic. It wasn 8767 t focused on finishing.
The Dutch PhD Coach is run by Arjenne Louter, a teacher with 75 years' experience assisting PhD students when faced with problems relevant to writing, literature, work-life balance, motivation, and inspiration.

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