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Pets Win Praises | Blogging Competition!

By Kerysmarie @littleboblab
Pets Win Praises | Blogging Competition!     So, you know I'm a sucker for a competition or two.. Well I've been contacted by the lovely people at MoneySupermarket after finding my post Meet The Creatures. Some of you may be aware, back in the Doncaster residence houses a large number of crazy woofs!   So I've basically been asked to submit some photos or videos of the creatures and the lengths they will go to get treats.. Honestly I could bore you with thousands of quirky pictures of all the creatures.  I'm also not entirely sure how many entries you can submit.. But here are a select few of my favourites!     Pets Win Praises | Blogging Competition!
George the kitten will literally scale the length of Nana's skirt  in search of a cuddle or treat! - He literally does this every time she come round to the house!
 Pets Win Praises | Blogging Competition!   The twins George & Harriet They're a cuddly pair & photos moments like this just deserve a treat!
C'mon you can't resist the 'awwww'   Pets Win Praises | Blogging Competition!
Who ever said Dogs chase cats? - My Sid kisses them!
Sadly Sid is no longer with us & Harriet misses him dearly
Best friends <3
Pets Win Praises | Blogging Competition!   & finally, Looks like Ned has took Movember very seriously! Lots of carrots for you!   I hope you liked my photos :) I have so many more I would love to enter, like peanut the Italian greyhounds awesome smile! But these definitely have the cute factor don't you think?   Pets Win Praises | Blogging Competition!   

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