Peter Pilotto for
Lets discuss...
NEWS FLASH: Peter Pilotto's collection for Target has become's fastest selling collaboration. With one order placed every second for an hour during last Sunday’s launch, it’s no surprise the collection sold out in record time.
Having the collection available for online shopping was a particularly amazing scenario for us Canucks. It was only the second time we were privileged enough to get our hands on a Target collab thanks to the new to market Target stores that have been open in Canada for under a year. Unlike our American buddies, us Canadians cannot order from the Targets US site, so lining up outside in the freezing cold at 5AM is our only strategy for getting our hands on designer collaborations. While this is great if you want to develop a hearty pneumonia this approach doesn’t work for me. That’s why when Net-a-Porter announced they would also be selling the line via their site I was ecstatic. As were thousands of Brits, who probably celebrated by throwing some extra clotted cream on their crumpets, or by having 2 pints instead of their usual 1 with their breakfast.
The announcement left me excited but also a bit paranoid. Net-a-Porter is based out of the UK, that means that my timing will be a bit off, with the 5 hour time different and all. Even Net-a-Porter’s buying manager, Ben Matthews, provided us with a few pearls of wisdom and tips for shopping the range, and number 3 was simply "Set an alarm".
On the day of the launch I was under the weather. I set an alarm for 4 AM, and hit snooze 267,654,325 times finally waking up at 7AM. This is where things got stupid. I let the dogs out, fed them, made an omelet and cleaned the kitchen. At 9AM my Alzheimer’s was cured and I thought to myself “I feel like I’m forgetting something”. By the time I jumped onto my laptop all that was left of the collection was 1 towel, the pair of shoes I DIDN’T want, and a blouse and a shirt dress. I miraculously found the blouse and dress in my size and without a seconds hesitation I sent them to my shopping basket. Do not pass go, your total is one hundred dollars (including shipping).
Although I didn’t get the items I really wanted I am quite happy with my purchases. They both fit perfectly, and the patterns and colors are beautiful. I’m wearing my sleeveless blouse right now as I type this. Despite the fact that things with buttons never fit me (wide shoulders + busty girl problems) the dress actually buttons up! Not to mention the items really were affordable.
I’m definitely impressed with this designer collaboration. But you know who wasn’t so impressed? Those poor suckers who lined up outside Target.
According to the Target Canada Facebook page the location nearest to my house received several negative comments. This was the same location I lined visited for the Phillip Lim collab. One issue angry shoppers raised was that the staff was only letting small groups of shoppers in at a time, then giving them several minutes '"alone" with the collection. They would then be asked to walk away as the next group of shoppers was let in. I guarantee the first group of shoppers grabbed as much as they could off the rack in one sweep, leaving very little for the second group. What happens if you're in the 4th, or 5th group?
Then there was the lucky Tweeter who stated "I'm the only one at Target and the Peter Pilotto collection is allllll mine", showing a picture of racks of the collection untouched and just waiting for her to get her grubby hands on it. Listen up girly, where the F do you live?
So, did you get what you wanted from the Peter Pilotto x Target collaboration? Were you as hyped up about the online shopping as I was?
Who would you like to see partner with Target next? Personally I don’t think my heart could handle a Moschino or a Miu Miu collaboration, but that is what I would love to see.