Finance Magazine

Pesky Birds

By Sue15cat
  Pesky Birds   A couple of weeks ago just as they finished flowering we moved all the Snowdrops from the end of the drive to a more permanent place, ready for when we alter the splay of the drive as the bank of earth they have been in for years will be moved.  As this isn't happening for a while, we need planning permission to do all the work we are doing at the same time, I decided to pop a bit of color into the now empty bed.   Pesky Birds   I carefully alternated yellow, blue, red, and pink Primulas that I had picked up from B&Q at half price all along the bed and it looked really colourful.
Pesky Birds   With a couple of yellow ones left over I thought I would add them to these Daffodils in the rocky bank on the opposite side ...
Pesky Birds   ... it looked simple but nice and fresh.   Now the pesky birds have been and eaten ALL the  yellow flowers, leaving just the other colours.  I'm not happy at all.  :-(   I'll be back tomorrow with some photos of what we have been up too this weekend and it involves NO yellow flowers for birds to pinch!!   Sue xx

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