Peru…the word itself has taken on a rather magical meaning. In 2011 and 2012 I spent some time in Peru, and one of the things I did there was to attend the PhotoExperience.net photographic workshop, run by Adam L. Weintraub and with Daniel Milnor as our teacher. I have written extensively about Peru and the workshop, suffice to say it is one of the best places I have ever visited in 4 years of timetraveling and the workshop is one of the best things I have ever done.
Sketches of Perú: A Photographic Exploration with Cultural and Culinary Highlights – July 9th – 23rd 2013
Adam is running the workshop again this year, with Daniel as the teacher and I want to give you an idea of why you should quite possibly sell a kidney or similar to attend this!
First off there is the wonderful country and people of Peru. I have been around the world 4 times and Peru is somewhat magical. It really is that special, the incredibly colourful smiling friendly people, the amazing landscapes, history, culture, Inca ruins, Inca cola (no not really hehe, don’t drink that stuff), Cusco, markets, chaos, music, traditions, festivals, funny hats, animals, craft, intense, edgy, beautiful, so beautiful, so dramatic, amazing food, heat, cold, fruit, amazon river, dancing, laughter, hardship, the list goes on. Peru has it all and it has burned a permanent impression into my brain, touched my soul. I would go back in a heartbeat. Oh and the photographic opportunities are bar none, there simply are very few places like Peru where the opportunities to make photos are so plentiful.
The workshop itself is so much more, it’s a workshop, a tour, a trip, a travel and culinary experience run to perfection by Adam, who lives in Cusco and knows Peru like few others, knows the people the places. Adam has organized everything, it runs so smoothly you have not a worry in the world, you just need to show up, have FUN and make many pictures and LEARN and LAUGH every moment.
The workshop focuses on storytelling, connecting with people and working in the field, making pictures, doing edits, presenting your stories to the group. This is not a technique or theoretical workshop, this is real life photography, everyday we were out there doing stories, making pictures, doing edits, presenting the stories, giving feedback, always learning. Adam and Daniel will be with you in the field, out shooting festivals, Macchu Pichu etc, and you will get direct feedback on how you work and interact with people in the field, where you are standing, what you are seeing, maybe what you missed. It is a truly great way to learn as Dan can tell you “yeah I saw you there and thought that was good but you should get closer, sit down, etc” – by far my favorite way to learn, I like doing things with one-on-one tutoring, classrooms bore me greatly. This is intense and hands-on and very tangible feedback, if you put in the effort with an open mind you can learn and improve your photography greatly.
In short, if you are doing one workshop this year, I would seriously recommend this as the best option out there. The itinerary this year is new and it is just looking unreal. I have not even mentioned the Amazon extension which is highly recommended too, and an awesome (and so much fun) conclusion after the workshop.
And then, not saying you should rob a bank, but really, rob a bank and book this workshop!