Every time I'm at MAGIC MARKET WEEK, I'm reminded of my very first show experience. I popped my MAGIC cherry a few years ago not as a fashion blogger or fashion lawyer. I went as a trade show party crasher excited to get a glimpse of the inner workings of the fashion industry. I recall stepping inside the Mandalay Bay Convention Center and gasping with awe and amazement by the sights and sounds that engulfed my senses. Overwhelmed by the plethora of sparkly and pretty things, I went up to the first booth within eye view determined to buy something. My face crestfallenly fell to the floor when the sales rep told me nothing was available for immediate purchase. I needed a retail license and a minimum order of 24 pieces. Oh the cruelty! How can you dangle slabs of red meat in front of a carnivorous wolf that's wholly barricaded by a glass wall?Today, I consider myself a MAGIC "veteran." I know where to go for the happiest of happy hours, the booth numbers of my favorite designers, and the secret spot to take a ride in the golf cart from WWD MAGIC to FN PLATFORM. But no matter how many times I go around the MAGIC block, I always experience the same sense of electrifying excitement the moment I step onto the show floor. My appetite for fashion can never be satiated. This is an outfit I wore a few weeks ago on a leisure Saturday spent brunching and errand running. I'm a fan of below the knee matronly skirts as long as they're boldly colored or printed.This skirt is one of my favorites as I love the deep fuschia mixed with the dotted black print. The wide horizontal pleating is unexpected and adds width where width is needed. I paired it with a loose fitting rose blazer and a pink silk blouse from Leyendecker . I'm determined to mix more prints this spring as it's an interesting way to take color to the next level. My satin pointy toe kitten heels pumps are from Hollywould and one of my first designer shoe purchases.
shirt: Leyendecker
skirt: I'll tell you when I get back to LA
blazer: H&M
shoes: Hollywould
ring: c/o Jenny Dayco {live fabulously}