While in Houston, I had my first person shopping experience! Our family friends daughter is being Bat Mitzvahed in a few months and her and her mom were not 100% in agreement about dresses. So next thing I knew she and I were off at the Galleria having a fantastic afternoon. It was so much fun and satisfying to after having done a little research and talking with her about what she likes to actually go to a store find something and the person really like it! ( I know I know not that novel, but still cool)
I thought it would be difficult to pick out things that were age appropriate, but it came very naturally. At that age (and still kind of today) I dressed pretty conservatively (side story:at one point I sent my school skirts back to the tailer 3 times because I still thought they were too short...) so picking out things I knew her parents would approve of, yet she would still like and feel great in was easier than expected. We ended up with the dress above in navy, and a sweet floral peplum tank with an off white skirt (not pictured). I cannot wait to see pictures of the event and her killing it in the clothes!