Arts & Crafts Magazine


By Dena13
Oh what a scorcher it has been here!!! Yikes!  We went to the Dynamos soccer game the other night with all the neighbors and I think we sweated off 5 lbs each!  Wow!  Next game I think I'll wait till it cools a bit. The good news is that they won and the goalie was pretty awesome to look at haha!
My card today is using the absolutely adorable digital stamp, Peggy, from Wee Stamps or you can get her in rubber at Whimsy Stamps!  These stamps are way too cute!! Sylvia was nice enough to let me use her for my distress inks class, so this is the image you will see me coloring in the videos. Thank you so much Sylvia!!!
PeggyWow! in real life my label is NOT crooked.  Not sure why it looks so wonky here huh...... Well, must be the angle I took the photo. Anyhoooo!
Ok, so let's talk about the papers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally used those amazing Maja Design Sophiero!  I got them from sweet Sandy from Live & Love Crafts. Geez! I LOVE them!!! So sad that I have such an addiction to paper hahaha!!  These just make me happy, happy and remind me of my Grandmaw Mamie.  She would have so loved the dainty little flowers and colors.
I also used the gorgeous Noor Design butterfly border from my amazing friend in the UK!  Such a pretty die, I love it too!  I splattered it with some Frosted Lace Stickles so it would shimmer.
Here is the image up close colored with distress inks.  My class is available HERE if you are interested in learning how I color.
PeggyNow, I have to go get the cute new little Indian that Sylvia put up last week! OMG! I think it is such a sweet image.
Thanks again you guys for stopping by my blog!
Hugs, Dena

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