Flying cars are not a futuristic dream anymore. So, why not make a flying bicycle, thought a trio of Czech companies Duratec, Technodat and Evektor, who have teamed up with Dassault Systems in France to actually make a bicycle that can fly. They call it the ”F-Bike”. Don’t get confused, that “F” stands for flying.
According to Gizmag, the F-Bike can stay in the air for a maximum of 5 minutes. But, if the passenger weighs more than 85kg, the bike won’t even move an inch from the ground.
Just recently, the F-Bike successfully completed its’ first official test flight, which was made via remote control with dummy set on the seat, just to make sure it doesn’t appear like a drone. Apparently, no pedaling was necessary for this bike to take flight. However, the bike was very noisy, as you can see in the video. The project is still a work in progress. Hopefully, the final bike will look less horrifying than those renderings.
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Roshan Jerad Perera