Lifestyle Magazine

Peach & Lily Glass Skin Refining Serum Review

By Rolala @rolalaloves
Peach & Lily Glass Skin Refining Serum Review
Glass skin is defined as the Korean beauty technique of prepping your skin in a way that makes it appear healthy, hydrated and looks practically translucent. It sounds good but honestly it's not a goal of mine because it seems to be more of a trend which can be faked with makeup and I've seen people with not so great skin complimenting themselves for having glass skin. I do think the principle of healthy, hydrated skin with a luminous glow is aspirational but my skin goals go beyond that. My ideal is cloudless skin which is a completely clear, flawless complexion with no discoloration. Unlike glass skin, cloudless skin comes from within, focusing on skin health and vitality while holding a connection to overall wellbeing. It involves healthy lifestyle habits that go beyond skincare like sleep, a well rounded diet and avoiding inflammation triggers. With that said I wanted to try the Peach & Lily Glass Skin Refining Serum more so because of it's skincare benefits than it's promise of glass skin.

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