Happy new year family! Hey you, yes you. Don't you laugh at me. The year is only 27 days old... so it's still relatively new. Besides, I haven't been here in about a year or so. After dusting the blog off, it's only fair that I should greet you in the most grand way I could think of.
Now that we are past greetings, in my silence, I've been watching the growth of Kenyan art and artists, and I must admit, we have improved greatly more so in the Christian scene. The rise of art spaces is a good indicator of that growth.
Then there are fashion blogs. What! Don't we just love getting tips and heads up on the latest fashion in Kenya. Anyway, I'm glad to be back. In the excitement of putting up this post, I feel a bit tongue tied. Yes it applies here.
So I'm just going to put up photos from a fun photoshoot my friends and I had on day one of 2016 and let them do the talking for me as I listen to Nasara's Overflow Album and Yung Nnoiz's Revealed mixtape. I will tell you about an event they had called #RevealedOverflow on another post. I was so excited I almost sang myself a lullaby to put me to sleep when I got home. Otherwise, I might digress here.
Ps: the shoot was also about showcasing some of the jewelry I have designed. This post is #PeacePieces because these are pieces I have designed when I finally found peace in the presence of a Prince, you know, The Prince of Peace. Here goes...
Let me start by introducing us.


With the intros out of the way, here is the fun part...

Happy sighs for freedom in the Holy Spirit :)

Then we sign off with...

Yes I have her number and no I will not give you. :P

I have her's too and again, nope, not giving it out.

I see you.

Jewelry: Eireney
Yup. That's it for now ladies and gentlemen.
What's that? You want more? Ah ok. Keep it Eireney, you will not be disappointed.
Special thanks to all involved; Kathi Mwangi, Esther, Levi Gachanja, my Faith With Works Fellowship family ( mnaniblessingi tu sana ) and above all, The One who is above all - GOD.