Hmmmmm ya know these hair fundraiser articles we post are pretty popular. Maybe it’s the mixture of fun with fundraising and charity? I read about more and more haircutting events that are happening and wanted to share this one.
on February 1 over 100 Paul Mitchell Schools across the united states kicked off a 3 month fundraising drive. This is the eighth annual Paul Mitchell fundraiser and helps benefit The Andrew Gomez Dream Foundation, The Leeza Gibbons Memory Foundation, Children’s Miracle Network, Morris Animal Foundation, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, the Cancer Smancer Foundation and Food 4 Africa.
10,000 students spend February through April doing fundraising events like hair shows, cut a thons, car washes, bake sales etc to help raise money for their causes. At the end of the three months the Paul Mitchell school that raises the most gets to have a guest speaker or artists at their location.
Last year, the schools raised a record-breaking $1.2 million for several nonprofit groups, bringing their seven-year total to more than $4.6 million.
“Nothing is kept for Paul Mitchell,” said financial aid specialist Sabrina Johnson. “He does not take a single percentage.”
The Paul Mitchell “funraiser” is supported with the help of celebrities like Leeza Gibbons, Donnie and Marie Osmond, Betty White, Dolly Parton, Paul’s son Angus Mitchell, Larry King and more.
You’ll love this video that Betty does with the Dean of the Paul Mitchell School, Winn Claybaugh.
This is a first class fundraiser with everyone having fun and they have done important work for their comminities in the past couple of years
In the last seven years, Paul Mitchell schools have:
- Built two homes with Habitat for Humanity
- Fed thousands of African orphans
- Supported the victims of AIDS, breast cancer, homelessness and abuse
- Directly saved 20 lives through the Larry King Cardiac Foundation,
- Provided 400 hours of individual speech and language therapy for lower-income deaf children through No Limits
For more information about the fundraiser, visit
Us guys here at justfundraising wish Paul Mitchell’s Funraising campaign the best of luck! It’s fantastic to see such a great spirit of charity and philanthropy running through a company.
If you would like to help donate to the Paul Mitchell Funraiser contact us for fundraising ideas that you can get excited about.
Now where’s our buddy Matt Damon when all this is going on?! He probably needs his hair cut…
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