Legal Magazine

Paul Bryant Jr. Battled Hepatitis on His Path to Corporate Riches and Political Influence

Posted on the 06 February 2014 by Rogershuler @RogerShuler
This is Carol, Roger's wife. University of Alabama trustee Paul Bryant Jr. contracted hepatitis during his youth. That is the most personal revelation from a Bloomberg Markets investigative article about the Bryant business empire in the January 2014 issue.

From the Bloomberg Markets article:

"Bryant, who is 6 feet 4 inches (1.93 meters) tall, would like to have followed his father into football. That dream ended when he contracted hepatitis, possibly from a dirty dental instrument, and missed a whole year of high school and most of two others, he says."
"The Bloomberg article does not say what form of hepatitis Bryant had, whether he still has the disease, or what impact it has had on his life," Legal Schnauzer publisher Roger Shuler says. "The article raises more questions than it answers about hepatitis, but it does give a rare personal glimpse into Bryant's life outside the office."

Paul Bryant Jr. Battled Hepatitis on His Path to Corporate Riches and Political Influence

Paul Bryant Jr.
Photographer: Glenn Baeske/The Huntsville Times/Landov

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