Debate Magazine

Pastor Manning on Boston Bombings

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

The Boston Marathon bombings on April 15 was our training day for martial law, says Pastor/Dr. James David Manning of Harlem’s ATLAH missionary church.

In this video, Manning points out the contradictions about the Boston Marathon bombings which make no sense, including:

  • The white cap-black cap worn by the two Tsarnaev brothers: What terrorists would dress themselves up so ludicrously conspicuously?
  • What use are the bomb-sniffing dogs reportedly seen at the marathon if they couldn’t sniff out the two bombs?

I’ll add another contradiction:

As pointed out by FOTM reader Ted Nougat, the two Tsarnaev brothers (or at least the elder brother, Tamerlan) reportedly were on the FBI watch list. We’re told the Russian government had warned the U.S. about Tamerlan. The two men, therefore, are known to the authorities. So why did the FBI go all dramatic on us and posted those pictures and that grainy video of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, asking the public if anyone knows who they are?

Kabuki theater.

Or if you prefer, Shakespeare:

“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances….”

H/t FOTM’s joworth


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