Courtesy of Liberation (http://www.liberation.fr)

French newspapers the morning after the attack

How newspapers outside of France covered the horror of Friday night. (Photo courtesy: Angel Diaz/epa)

Parisien readers consume the news Saturday morning (Courtesy Getty Images)
Paris became the center of a six coordinated terror attacks for which the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) claimed responsibility.
At least 127 people died and hundreds are wounded.
President François Hollande regarded the attacks as “an act of war” .
Pope Francis has said that this is part of the “piecemeal Third World War” to which he often refers.
I will continue to add more front pages from around the world covering this horrific event in Paris.
For now, we are all French, and I am sending my French friends and colleagues my thoughts and prayers.
What We Know About the Paris Attacks.
From TIME Magazine: