So getting to it, this is the second installment of organizing, the boys' room. After last week's closet organizing post this week we have the playroom, the place all toys are suppose to go (but never actually do).
I've told you I like baskets and things to put things in, and their playroom is prime example of this. My kids have ALOT of toys, and with the two of them 3 1/2 years apart we have quite the range of items. While Cy might have outgrown something we've left it out or kept it because Sage will be able to play with it soon.
I think it's important to keep things, their toys, organized so they know what they have and actually use it- play with it. Here's a glimpse into the play room/ place that could be a toy store:

So that's it the playroom and I do have to say I am a bit embarrassed to show off publicly how many toys my kids have! We are lucky enough though to have a spare 1/2 room off the boys' bedroom that we can designate as toy land. We're working on Cy to remember something can come downstairs to play with as long as something else goes up. Usually whatever he can fit in a canvas bag, which I leave on their playroom doorknob.
Next week is a more recent project, my down stairs coat closet that houses more things that are not coats than coats.