Drink Magazine

Paradise Found (Ginger Super Berliner) – ANNEX ALE PROJECT

By Mike @mikescraftbeer
Paradise Found (Ginger Super Berliner) – ANNEX ALE PROJECTPacific Beer Chat

From Annex Ale Project in Calgary Alberta comes their "Paradise Found (Ginger Super Berliner)". The beer pours a cloudy orange colour with a white head. The aroma consists of candied ginger, citrusy lemon, grain and cereal malts with some leafy hops. The flavour is of ginger, ginger tea, lemon, lemon peel, mild tartness, sweetness and grain and some grassy hops. The alcohol content comes in at 6.4%. This was an amazing kettle sour with a low tartness but a ton of real nice ginger flavour. I would reccomend finding this beer at the brewery asap.

Paradise Found (Ginger Super Berliner) – ANNEX ALE PROJECT

Commercial Description: Aromas of green tea, ginger and lemon juice. This was brewed with oats and kettle soured for a lactic tartness and a residual ginger burn.

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