Books Magazine

Paperback Editions Vs. eBooks

By Levyingkishan
Paperback editions vs. eBooks#paperbackvsebooksThe world is changing fast and keeping in pace with it is challenging. There is a saying, “Nothing is permanent, but change is!!” Paperback editions vs. eBooks“Change is difficult at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.”The way of reading has changed for some time now, with the advent of eBooks and is popular among readers. And its popularity has grown from strength to strength with time. The 44th edition of Indispire has brought discussion to the table, of between paperback and eBooks which is better.

Though I personally wanted paperback editions to win over eBooks because of the physical touch it gives to the readers and its smell, but there was a dilemma. And I had to fight with my thoughts and my words, when I started to write about them. I thought it to be easy; giving paperback editions a clear winning edge over eBooks in my thoughts, but putting thoughts into words was very difficult. I just couldn't distinguish between them, and had to let go of the differences.To differentiate between them, is to wage a war, which is completely out of the context, for they are two sides of the same coin. Though #paperbackvsebookswas created, but eventually it became a win-win condition. For whatever the writer decided is better, it was always reading that was enhanced and I then realised, that things change with time. And everyone who has written under the hash tag paperbackvsebooks must have been torn apart to make a difference between the two. It is better not to find which is better and which isn'tKnowledge is power and is above everything and anything for that matter. And change is the only thing permanent. Long live Paperback editions along with it successors and may it rise like a Phoenix, in future, if its kingdom is ever challenged.Thank You all,Kishan Chand Swain.


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