Books Magazine

Paper Vs. eBooks (Who Wins?)

By Selane @SummerEllenLane
Paper vs. eBooks (Who Wins?)Lately, I've been engaging in conversations with my friends and family about the difference between reading a paperback and an ebook. The difference in opinion between people is interesting. Some are adamantly opposed to reading on a digital interface, and others are adamantly opposed to reading a paperback now that they've converted to a Kindle. For myself personally, I love both mediums of reading. My Kindle Keyboard and my Kindle Fire fit comfortably into my purse, and I can haul around an entire library in one little tablet. But I also love paperbacks and hardbacks. I love the touch and smell of a book. And guess what? Books made out of paper will never be affected by an EMP (if you've read my novels, you'll understand why this is important to me). 

But which one is truly better? As a literary lover, author and professional writer, I will always choose paper books in the end. Yet I appreciate and love the convenience of digital books. After all, my series has been in the top ten, top fifty and top one hundred kindle bestselling booklists for over a year now! I appreciate both. When it comes to choosing between the two, it's really a matter of personal preference. I will always have overflowing bookshelves in my office, bedroom and library. That's just the way I am. I think an excess of books shows that a person loves to learn and study and escape into a wonderful story. 

What about you? What do you prefer? Or do you like to walk the line, too? 

Paper vs. eBooks (Who Wins?)

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