If you've had enough of my paper mache Son of Maleficent, then just ignore this post. I promised I'd let you know when I finished the time-lapsed video of the project. Well, I finished today. So I'm letting you know. You can find the video here on YouTube. Please take advantage of my HD camera and watch in HD. Thanks. And please subscribe if you haven't already. I'm still bummed about losing almost 5,000 subscribers because of a stupid mistake. Don't get excited, this video is pretty much the same as all my other videos. I'm getting a bit tired of the format. Maybe I'll try something different on the next one. Maybe I'll shoot it in my underwear. But that wouldn't matter because I try to edit myself out of my videos. I tried to make my "Rum and Paper Mache" video different. It didn't seem to work out. I think people were creeped out by the dancing puppets...or the idea of a puppets drinking rum, or dragons destroying households with rum, ....or maybe it will eventually get a million views. It just may take a thousand years. Anyway, enough about that.
While I'm here, I realize that while I showed the making of Dani's little dragons freshly hatched, I never posted any photos of the juvenile version of Drogon. I put out the video of it being made, but never posted any photos here. So here he is. And underneath is the photo of little Drogon with his friends.

And, in case you've missed Eddie the pill, here he is. Yes, he's wondering the same thing.

Thank you for stopping by!!