Arts & Crafts Magazine

Paper Mache Bulldog-Assembly

By Danmonsterman @danmonsterman
Hey all,
Maybe this will start looking like a dog.  I wadded some paper to make the rudiments of back paws.   Then I taped the jaws together....
paper mache dog-feet paper mache dog-jaws2
...and pushed them into a hole I cut in the paper mache body.  I grabbed another paper mache ball and cut it open and used the shell for the head.
paper mache dog-head paper mache dog-jaws
I cut smaller balls open and used them for the upper arms (is that the right description?).  I cut smaller ones for forearms.  
paper mache dog-upper arm  paper mache dog-front leg
Time to round out the rear end.   I cut another paper mache ball in half.   I used the shells to create a little butt for my dog.
paper mache dog-shell for butt paper mache dog-butt
Then I twisted some paper and using masking tape I added a few rolls of skin on various parts of the body.   I added those big blue eyes.   Wow, is that ugly!
paper mache dog-body paper mache dog-eyes 2
Next, I added the end of a small paper mache ball to make a nose.   I twisted more paper to make some brows.
paper mache dog-nose  paper mache dog-brows
Then I did a little sculpting on the nose.  I used some of the extra paper mache shells I had laying around to fashion some simple ears.  
paper mache dog-eyes paper mache dog-ears
Okay so this really looks like a pig at this point.  And the tongue looks gigantic.   That's one of the things about making sculpture using these methods.   You are sculpting a face without skin.  And that's the way it looks.    Ugly.  
paper mache dog-face
I'm going to leave you here.   Trust me, this is going to look a lot better in the next couple posts. 
See you!   Thanks for stopping by.

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