Fashion Magazine

Packing Tip Favorites

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley
Packing Tip Favorites
I reworked my packing strategy for my recent trip toNew Englandwith Great Success!Packing Tip Favorites
After feeling disappointed  with my packing for Fierce Con HEREI put in a lot of time and effort into figuring out how to do it betterfor Me.
I am by no means a light packerbut this time I had a well edited wardrobethat all coordinated together.Full of rich textures and warmth.
Pieces that took me from glamorous hotels
to bike riding through fishing villages.
Since the children left years agoI now have 2 Guest Rooms/Closets
plus my own room closetswhere I keep my clothes by color.
The best thing I have added in is rolling rackwhich makes it so easy to pull itemsand
work them into finished  outfits.
When I travel I prefer to pack around
 one color palettewhich ensures more pieces will play happily with each other.
For this tripI picked brown tones and texturesas my
 unifying color.
Packing Tip Favorites
Having all of my pieces pulledand outfits madeit was easy to
 pull accessories together.
I have collected and designed my accessoriesin wardrobe of their own.
Which made it easy to pull coordinating pieces for my brown outfits.
Packing Tip Favorites
I always pack my accessories in lingerie roll up bagsand put them in my carry on.
My clothes would be hard enough to replacemy accessories are most loved.
Packing Tip Favorites
For the actual packingI used the rolling method with great success.
Packing Tip Favorites
Packing Tip Favorites
My favorite packing tip to shareis
 the bag I keep always packed.
It's filled with all of my travel essentials
that aren't clothes.
I have refined it's contents over the years.Having everything but clothes already taken care ofmeans I can put my time into creating creative outfits for my travels.
Here's what's inside my bag ...
Packing Tip Favorites
I never leave home without my
 white noise machine.Sleeping sometimes evades mebut a noise machine helps drown out unwanted sounds.
Packing Tip Favorites

My Bose earphones

 are always in my carryon!
Packing Tip Favorites
I have
a face case
 packed with all of my skin care regime products.
When I return from travels I always make sure to refill anything that's getting lowensuring I am always ready to go!
Packing Tip Favorites
My other
 personal care productsare kept together in another bag.
It's so easy to pull out both caseswhen I get to the hotel.I always know just where everything is!
Packing Tip Favorites
I keep another small casewith all of my
 hair styling products and tools.I sometimes use varying hair extension productsand they all roll up nicely into the casealong with my small travel brush, spray and pins.
Packing Tip Favorites
Speaking of pinsthis box is a traveling goldfor hair styling!
It's made by Straight Pin StudioYou can order yours HEREYou will thank me!It's another piece I never travel without!
Packing Tip Favorites
I took the time to go and update all of my makeupfilling in the pieces that were on their last legs.
I also decided this time to do
a travel makeup casethat stays packed in my bag.It might sound extravagant but I can't tell you how many times I have forgotten one item or another.
This way it's already packed and done.
My aim is to make my packing and travelingas smooth, luxurious and enjoyableas possible.
Being able to is definitelyone of the many giftsof being this age!
Packing Tip Favorites
I even edited everything in
 my purse.Bringing just what I actually neededand no more.
Being a designer
a sketch book and business cards
are a must!
Packing Tip Favorites
We were up before the sun for our flight out of LAX to Boston.
Packing Tip Favorites
I have
 my travel outfit down to what works for me, as well.I enjoy traveling with style and comfortand a bit of comforting Glam.
So I opt for comfy boyfriend jeans(mine have sequins just for the fun of it).
I do a shoe that slides on and off for comfort. 
My favorite travel accessory for the coldmy vintage mink coat.It keeps me warm in the coldand acts as a security blanket during flights.
Packing Tip Favorites
We checked into the lovely United club.It's spacious and calma perfect way to start our trip to New England.
Packing Tip Favorites
Our seats were my favorite thus far.Cozy pods
 with plenty of space.
Since it was a pod seatI felt no guilt in putting my seat all the way backbecause the seat moves forwardnot into the lap of the person behind you.
We usually fly first class these days
(another gift of this age)and this plane was definitely my favorite thus far.
I finally realized how important it is to check on which type of plane your flight will be flying.We flew back on another airlineand it was completely a different  and exceedingly disappointing experience.
Packing Tip Favorites
I will going forward
 do more research into the flight plane  itselfas I have been spoiled with this fabulous United pod plane experience.
I am also all open to any flight or airline tips you'd like to share with me in the comments.I am a traveler who wants to learn all I can!
Packing Tip Favorites
The beauty of New England takes my breath away!
Packing Tip Favorites
I was so happy with all that I packed.For me having outfitsI look forward to wearingand
 am comfortable inadds much to the trip.
Packing Tip Favorites
Packing Tip Favorites
 I always also pack
  a work out outfit 
for every trip.Which meant I had an outfit to ride the streets of charming fishing villages.Bike riding is one of my favorite ways to really see new locations.And these days so many hotels have them on property for guest use.
Packing Tip Favorites
Packing Tip Favorites
Packing Tip Favorites
Packing Tip Favorites
I like to lay out my outfits for the dayalong with all of the accessory pieces.
Packing Tip Favorites
My most recent packing addition is luxurious loungewear.
Pieces that act as cozy hugsin the hotel roomlike my cashmere set from Anthropologieand another traveling favoritemy cashmere wrap fromCatherine Robinson Cashmere.
Packing Tip Favorites
A great cozy outfit makes taking in spectacular viewsall the more of a memory!
Packing Tip Favorites
Before I pull clothes for a tripI make a list of all of the events that I know I will be doingand think of how most of my time will be used.
I did this once again this tripandbecause I packed so many separatesmy outfit options were plenty.
And best of all they all played perfectly with my favorite vintage coat!
Packing Tip Favorites
Well there you have it my friends myFavorite Packing Tips!
From ....~ making a list of events, even before I pull clothes

~ pulling together outfits on a rolling rack~ pulling shoes and accessories for each outfit ~ always packing luxurious loungewear~plus beautiful lingerie~ workout wear for the gym or outdoor adventures~ pool wear with a wrap and flip flops (just in case)In my black bag that I always keep packed ...~ noise machine~ Bose earphones~ face care case~ personal care case~ hair styling case~ makeup case

Packing Tip Favorites

Thanks for stopping by for a girlfriend visit my friends!
I'd love to hear any of your travel or packing tips in the comments!
Packing Tip Favorites

As always my friends
I wish you love and joy
as you style your life

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