Faced with the prospect of four more years of the POS in the White House, some conservatives and libertarians are beginning to fray, making crazy talk about an armed overthrow of the U.S. government.
Any blogger so irresponsible as to advocate that, should know that what you are proposing is TREASON.
United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 states “whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000.”
Such talk only plays into the hands of the Obama regime.
Already, the DHS labels conservatives, Christians, pro-lifers, gun-righters, and freedom-lovers as potential terrorists. Already, the U.S. Army has a civil war scenario instigated by the peaceful Tea Party movement. Already, Obama’s DOJ has a secret “White Paper” memo “authorizing” the extra-judicial killing of U.S. citizens deemed to be “senior-level terrorists.”
Irresponsible reckless advocacy of an armed insurrection will only give the POS the excuse to shut down your blog and install martial law.
My other objection to the crazy talk is this — There is so much Americans who love the Constitution can do, which we are not doing:
- Have you done your utmost to inform others?
- Have you done your utmost this last election (Nov. 6, 2012) to help elect your candidates-of-choice?
- Have you worked at the local level to ensure good policies, such as the city council of Oak Harbor, WA, who stood up for the Second Amendment?
- Are you prepared to engage in civil disobedience against an unjust law or policy, such as the HHS mandate or Sen. Feinstein’s bill to ban “assault weapons” that include handguns? New York gunowners are willing to do just that.
Did you know that hundreds of county sheriffs across America are saying a resounding “No” to the Obama regime’s gun “control” agenda?
“My friends, there is hope.”
That’s the first sentence of Tim Brown’s article of Feb. 13, 2013, for the blog Freedom Outpost.
Indeed, there is hope.
A police chief of Gilberton Borough, Pennsylvania, Mark Kessler, is inviting citizens to join with his police department in building a “reserve force” that will aid his police force should the need arise to resist Federal authorities intent on taking away our Second Amendment rights.
Police Chief Mark Kessler
Gilberton is a borough in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, four miles west by south of Mahanoy City.
From Police Chief Kessler’s website:
ALERT! Anyone interested in joining a reserve force with the Gilberton Borough Police Department ,contact Chief Kessler immediately for details! Due to our Country’s current situation I’m compelled to form an auxiliary force, DHS ( Department of Home Land Security ) is stock piling ammunition , Stock Piling Machine guns at a alarming rate! I believe we have no choice for what MAY OR MAY NOT happen shortly!, Ask yourself this one question, can you walk into any sporting good store and purchase 22LR, 9mm, 45ACP , 40 caliber,, 5.56/223 , 7.62×51 or 308 ammunition in quantity’s more then a box or two ? (OR ANY AT ALL) if you answer No, ask yourself why ???? I’ll tell you why because the GOVERNMENT is STOCKPILING BILLIONS of rounds of ammunition! (for what ????) even the police can’t get ammo ! DHS has enough weapons and ammo to wage a 30 year GROUND war, (BUT ON WHO and WHY) what is wrong with this picture???, Maybe the tyrants want to take as much ammo off the civilian market AS POSSIBLE! either way it’s very disturbing!
The reserve force will be made up of volunteers, they can be past or current police officers with act 120 training, along with non law enforcement personnel interested in joining the reserve force. All non law enforcement personnel won’t have any powers to arrest, but will be required to go through a background check, supply their own duty gear, uniform (military BDU, etc), weapons, ammunition. Everyone will be required to attend a firearms certification course to qualify with both long gun and hand gun at a rate set by the firearm instructor. There will also be hand to hand combat training, knife fighting training, urban combat training, sniper courses, search and rescue etc. The reserve force would only be called upon in the event of a Federal invasion or foreign invasion of the jurisdiction. They would not be called on in ordinary police work nor would they have arrest powers. This reserve force would be distinct from militia, according to Kessler.
In addition to assembling a citizens’ Reserve Force, Chief Kessler has also drafted a piece of legislation called The 2nd Amendment Preservation Resolution, reaffirming the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution which reads:
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Along with the Pennsylvania Constitution, which states:
The right of the people to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves or that of a free state shall not be questioned.
“I wanted to draw my line in the sand,” Kessler writes. “I wanted to ask my elected officials to stand with freedom, stand with the oath they took to defend freedom, to stand with so many great Americans that shed their blood or gave the ultimate sacrifice defending.”
His resolution was adopted on January 24, 2013 by the Gilberton Borough Council.
If you wish to be a part of Kessler’s Reserve Force, or if you are not in the area and wish to donate to the Gilberton Borough Police Department, here’s his contact info:
Attn: Mark Kessler, Chief Of Police
Gilberton Borough Police Department
2710 Main street
Mahanoy Plane, Pa 17949
Email: chiefkessler@gmail.com
Phone: 570-874-4790
H/t FOTM’s WildBillAlaska