Love & Sex Magazine

Overcoming…Day 6 – Facing Sorrow On Our Journey

By Loveandgrace @loveandgrace20

Overcoming…Day 6 – Facing Sorrow On Our Journey

Sorrow… It supersedes the emotions of just a bad day. It is an anguish that endures longer than a moment. Sorrow drives some to anger,  depression, unbelief, or all of the above. If not addressed, it can drive a wedge between us and our destiny.

Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” (Matthew 26:38)

In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus faced the reality of sorrow. He said if it be the Father’s will, that the cup be passed from Him. Yet He declared, “Not as I will, but Thine will be done”. Jesus knew that He would be crucified and that His betrayer was soon coming.

The heaviest of sorrows was the grief of bearing the sins of all humanity. It was a position that could not be avoided. In order to fulfill the will of the Father and provide salvation for the world, the Son, had to face the emotion of sorrow.

Like Christ there are circumstances that we must face. There are challenges that are required in order to bring about something better. Without the test, there is no testimony. Without the death of our Lord, there would not be everlasting life for those who believe.

The journey from singleness to marriage is a journey from blessing to blessing. And in between the blessings, there may be places of disappointments, heartbreak, and confusion. We too may find ourselves praying in anguish, seeking confirmation of God’s will.

To avoid sorrow is a plea of our human nature. But as our Lord Jesus knew that His Father would not abandon Him in His time of pain, we too must journey with this same confidence. And we must remember that the God we call to heal us, has been well acquainted with grief. He understands. He’s been there before.

In spite of sorrow He overcame death and journeyed from the grave to the sky. Because He lives we CAN face tomorrow.

Face your sorrow with courage and faith. Let Christ’s victory remind us that sorrow does not have the power to keep us from our destiny.


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