Love & Sex Magazine

Overcoming The Sorrow Of Being Single Day 14 – Your Joy

By Loveandgrace @loveandgrace20

Welcome to day 14 of our blog series, “Overcoming The Sorrow Of Being Single.”

Keep Your Joy

The methods by which God restored my joy were not conventional ones.

This series is not about how to get married in 90 days or how to make a crush fall in love with you. Many find my blog when they search the internet for quick fixes to their single’s blues.

However for my single’s journey, I needed to find a way to accomplish two things.

First, I had to find way to connect with my reality. Denial and fantasy were two culprits that kept me chasing after what was never meant to be. They kept me playing a game I could never win. No win, no joy. But I’ll touch more on that in another post.

Second, I had to find the true meaning of joy. If I could learn the ways of joy, then I could overcome my dependence on people to make me happy.

I hope that as we travel through this series together, that you discover more and more each day that outside circumstances do not manufacture joy. Joy is a God given gift that must be deep seeded in the heart and manifest from the inside out.

Joy comes through faith, by grace, because of God’s love. When joy is produced from the heart, you can find the good in unpleasant conditions. You can rejoice in the storm, because you know that your situation will be better than it was before.

This is how women of God can smile and worship and help others, even when they don’t have all the answers.

So this series is about growing and maturing in faith, grace, love, and joy! In doing this, you will find the power you need to flourish as a single woman, mother….. and wife. ;)

Until tomorrow…..

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