By age 30, I knew who/what I was. And I grew comfortable in my own skin. The persona worn became my own, the chameleon suit retired. No longer set on blending or fitting in, I relished the fact I got to come and go as I pleased, and no clique or group could contain me. My friend collection grew varied, and became more interesting. Life offered options. I dressed for it.

Now in my forties, I sling my style in bold broad strokes, and relish the fancies of others. I eschew the conventional, embrace the original. My quirks, once shamefully hidden, are now proudly paraded, shown off like prized peacocks.
Character, like intelligence has become my ultimate aphrodisiac. My eyes are drawn to those who exude confidence, who reek of character, and kindness, who wear their adventures around their neck like a favorite accessory.
Since I know myself, I savor the luxury in getting to know others. No matter the variety of surface, we all share something in common, and can find at least one thing to talk about. I have found often the easiest conversation starters stem from noticing and liking something in someone's way of dress. You, look nice by the way.I think the best thing that I like about my life is that I LIKE my life. And I love you.

Quirky is as Quirky Does- Personal style gets better with age.
Now Wearing:- Piccoli, "Mon Cherry" hand-made fascinator
- Heart Sunnies, Freestyle Clothing
- F-21 cropped denim jacket
- Porkchop Rules, Delft pin, Crimson & Clover
- Anika Burke, gold stone necklace, (c/o Miss Vinyl Ahoy!)
- Vintage 1950's cotton sundress, Freestyle Clothing
- Floral shoulder bag-let, Target
- Fishnet Knee-Hi's, Target
- Black leather lace-up boots