Fashion Magazine

Outfit Post: Plaid is the NEW Polka Dot

By Citizenrosebud @citizenrosebudz
outfit post: Plaid is the NEW Polka Dot
outfit post: Plaid is the NEW Polka Dot
Plaid season has officially begun. I don't care what actual season your part of planet is in, be it winter, summer, spring or fall, YOU are going to be into plaid. So, get used to this perfect p-p-p-print of both rebels and royalty, the cut of cloth that is both classic and quirky, staid and superlative. Say hello to  PLAID. Because I'm almost about to tell you that "IT" is IN. But it never really ever left, did it?
outfit post: Plaid is the NEW Polka Dot
My outfit styling is ala Marc Jacobs circa Spring 2009, donchya think? The dress may look familliar to you; I wore it this summer when it had sleeves. Ah the downside of loving vintage: one deals with the ravages of fabric rot. The sleeves had some condition problems which I, uh, "cured" by removing them. So I'm enjoying my hot-as-summer September sans sleeves. 

What are you wearing for Fall?

outfit post: Plaid is the NEW Polka DotNow Wearing: 
  • 1950's vintage straw hat, Crimson & Clover
  • vintage cotton dress, Freestyle
  • gingham belt
  • Coach espradrilles wedges, Macy's

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