Looking for a good fashion investment? Think cashmere.
At last, cooler weather! While it's still sunny out, and fall weather is ridiculously mild in my part of Northern California, there is just enough chill in the air to merit a dragging out of sweaters, and donning them. This knitted article of sunshine was a good investment over 4 years ago from J. Crew. It's a 2-ply cashmere cardigan, and it's so lightweight, soft + warm. Still in good shape I might add, for being nearly 5 years old. That doesn't surprise me as I've held on to cashmere sweaters for as long as 20 years, and they were still in decent shape. In fact a GREAT investment is VINTAGE CASHMERE: it's that old adage- "they don't make them like they used to." Vintage cashmere is better, oh yes. Something about the long belly fur on those rascally Kashmir goats. Read about the advantages HERE, HEREand HEREBut my mustard yellow cashmere sweater is a minor character in this story. I think the star of the show was the sweet babydoll rayon dress, which is probably a year or two old, and purchased on the cheap at gasp! Forever 21. I am NOT a big fan of F-21, and to be honest, I'm not sure I got the dress there, but it was purchased new at a fast fashion shop before I decided to ban those kind of shops. The dress is lovely, however, with its navy floral print and cut out lace back. You can see the back and how I styled the dress last summer HERE.
So I'm going to give you a little style tip. When it comes to mixing colors you can't go wrong with combining the colors of red, yellow and blue. Then throw in some secondary color: green. Look at the outfit and see how it works? While the colors are not the bright primary hues of red, yellow and blue, the muted tone of navy, mustard yellow and bits of burgundy just "go." Then when you see how it pairs with my amazing 1950's corduroy olive green coat you will feel the magic. Go ahead, ooh and awe.
Can you feel the magic? Wearing red, blue, yellow and green together somehow always matches.
PRESTO! Even the jewelry follows suit- note the bright turquoise (blue/green) and coral (red) beads and how they play well together with the brass (yellow). The jewelry is available at Fringe- they are 3 great pieces: two are artisan made necklaces, up-cycled from vintage jewelry, and one is a very old vintage rosary. I had written down the information on the pieces, but of course, lost my notes, so if you really, really want to know more about the pieces, let me know in the comments with your email address, and I'll get the info to you!Now Wearing:
- Knitted Cloche, Etsy
- My NEW navy sunglasses, Cuffs
- Yellow Cashmere Sweater, J. Crew
- Floral rayon dress, (maybe) F-21
- Black as sin tights, my sock drawer
- Bitchin' platform wedges, Heart Boutique
- Vintage Corduroy Coat, yard sale
- Vintage Butterfly broach, gift (Thanks, D!)
- Necklaces, available at FRINGE
- Vintage plaid bag, thrifted