Fashion Magazine

Outfit Post: Maxi-mum Plaid

By Citizenrosebud @citizenrosebudz
outfit post: Maxi-mum Plaidoutfit post: Maxi-mum PlaidToday's costume is a direct influence of Vix, otherwised known as the Vintage Vixen. I mentioned in  previous post that Vix can and could single-handedly bring back the maxi. Well, I've seen maxi skirts and dresses ALLLLLL over the interwebs, but it's her hippie-chickie, cool-as-fuck bohemian way of wearing them that made me try my hand at this long hemmy business. 
When I saw this sweet plaid 1960's vintage maxi, I knew it had my name all over it. I had planned on wearing it preppy style, or punked up a bit, as is my way, but Vix bewitched me, and before I knew it I was pairing it up with a funky 60's vest and knit cap giving me a swinging London Carnaby Street flavor. The vest has since found a new home (I'm talking to you Ms. Pumpkin Pie) but I think I will try my hand again wearing the long skirts. And now I've got a new way to wear it, thanks to the Vixen. 
How about you? What bloggers have inspired your outfits? 
outfit post: Maxi-mum Plaidoutfit post: Maxi-mum PlaidNow Wearing: 
  • vintage red acrylic knit cap
  • vintage 1960's suede/crochet vest
  • gingham ribbon as belt
  • vintage 60's plaid tartan maxi skirt
  • pre-loved converse shoes, This N That Thrift

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