Fashion Magazine

Outfit August Day 21

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621
Outfit August Day 21
Hello and welcome to Day 21 of Outfit August!
Firstly let me apologize for my absence over the last few days but work has been really busy and I have felt under the weather so the blog had to take a back seat for a couple of days!!
Just a quick outfit from me today and this is what I wore to work, its an oldie but a goodie!
Outfit August Day 21
This Simply Be dress has been on the blog at least twice before so sorry if you have already seen it!! I do love this dress but I did add a vest underneath today for modesty whilst at work as otherwise I am a bit too booby for the office!! This dress is sometimes on Crazy Clearance or you may find one on Ebay with a bit of searching!
As I am pooped at the moment it may be a but quieter on the blog but rest assured I am still here!!
Outfit August Day 21

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