Finance Magazine

Our Bookshelves - Part Four - Dotted About the House

By Sue15cat
Our Bookshelves - Part Four - Dotted About the House
And finally we come to the books that live here, there and everywhere.  Dotted around the house they are the books being read, waiting to be read or simply living in their own little places because I like them there.
In the kitchen on the top shelf are my Aga books, some new, some from charity shops, Mary Berry's original Aga book from Ebay and one given to me by a lovely blogging buddy.
Our Bookshelves - Part Four - Dotted About the House
And my current read Deliciously Ella, is open on the breakfast bar for reading each morning and while I'm waiting for the kettle to boil.  They say a watched kettle never boils I read instead :-)
Our Bookshelves - Part Four - Dotted About the House
Upstairs we go and into the spare bedroom where we have a few books for guests to peruse, although why Jason has never rushed down stairs gushing about them I'll never know :-)
Our Bookshelves - Part Four - Dotted About the House
They look good to me.
Our Bookshelves - Part Four - Dotted About the House
On my bedside table are my current reads ....
Our Bookshelves - Part Four - Dotted About the House
... a few waiting to be read ......
Our Bookshelves - Part Four - Dotted About the House
...... and if I can just get Rosy out of the way ....
Our Bookshelves - Part Four - Dotted About the House
... a few more in the queue.
There are a few on Lovely Hubby's beside drawers that I forgot to photograph, just another one in the River Cottage series, this time on Curing meats, and a couple of bee books.
Our Bookshelves - Part Four - Dotted About the House
I thought that was it and then yesterday I looked up from my typing and saw these. It's funny how you get so used to something being there that you stop 'seeing' it.
Well that's it all our books with this final 69 dotted around the house it makes a grand total of 619 ... phew.
BUT ....
There is just one little pile of books that doesn't take up much space ...
Our Bookshelves - Part Four - Dotted About the House
 ... yes I have a Kindle.  
Which I find extremely useful for holidays, days out, waiting in waiting rooms etc.  It can never replace my love for real books but used correctly it has it's place. in my life.
Our Bookshelves - Part Four - Dotted About the House
Currently being read on it is  'The Life Changing Magic of Tidying - A simple effective way to banish clutter forever.'  by Marie Kondo.   It seemed wrong somehow to buy this in real book format considering it's subject matter so I bought it for the Kindle instead.  I've already started putting her method into use in my drawers , maybe I'll have to carry on with my books!
Usually I look out for free books and download them when available, I also have a wonderful selection of blogging buddies books on there, some from Suzy Bowler of Sudden Lunch fame, and some of Elaine's from Mortgage Free in Three, good reads and very useful all of them.
Our Bookshelves - Part Four - Dotted About the House
In total there are 102 books on my Kindle.  And I love that they take up so little room on the bookshelf  :-)
To all those of you who have asked either via emails or in the comments if they can pick up this idea for showing their books to the Blogging world I say GO FOR IT ... and don't forget to let me know when you do, so that I and all my readers can come over and have a nosy at your selves, alcoves and table stacks of books, the more the merrier in my opinion.  I really enjoy a good peruse of other peoples books.
So that's me and my books signing off, I have a mission in mind that has been highlighted and is now niggling at me after these posts, so I may be gone for a couple of hours.
Sue xx

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