Creativity Magazine

Orphan Boy Sees His Chance

By Mrstrongest @mrstrongarm

A very Merry Christmas to all my friends and followers!

Happy Holidays to those of every faith tradition, and goodwill to all!

Thanks for all your kindness and support this past year. It means a lot to me.

I’m behind on visits to so many blogs– do forgive me. I shall try to make amends.

I wish you all success and happiness in 2016.

Even more, I wish you faith, peace, hope, wisdom, and serenity.


And now… here’s the Orphan Boy! What a kidder!!  😊

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Magi three Wise Men at craft fair tables selling gold frankincense myrrh Charles Dickens Oliver Twist with bowl asking can I have some more myrrh
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The truth is often spoken in jest, and Oliver does teach us an important lesson: It never hurts to ask.

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detail image Magi three Wise Men at craft fair tables selling gold frankincense myrrh Charles Dickens Oliver Twist with bowl asking can I have some more myrrh
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Do kings really sell their wares at craft fairs and farmers markets?? Incredible– who knew?? 😊

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detail image Magi three Wise Men at craft fair tables selling gold frankincense myrrh Charles Dickens Oliver Twist with bowl asking can I have some more myrrh

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Are you a Charles Dickens fan?

Have you read Oliver Twist, with its famous line, “Please, sir, I want some more?”

Can you name the Magi? (They’re anonymous in the Bible, but they’ve acquired names via legend and tradition.)

Ever asked somebody for something extraordinary, and been surprised to get it, just because you asked?

Hope you’ll leave a comment.

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