Oriflame is one of the first brands used when I was a teenager, I adored the lip sticks, shower gels, and the summer L.E fragrances, oily skin care products.
But after meeting new brands, new products, I completely forget about the brand and sailed the sea with new brands and products

I was a great fan of their pearls, quite similar to Guerlian.
I can see that some of the products have been discontinued, changed packing, or new items added to the skin care / makeup line.
I can still see their correcting stick with a brand new packing on the catalog.
Most of the products are quite affordable.

I am quite amazed by the quality of Oriflame. It is comes in a small jar with a slanted small size brush.
I generally do not use the applicator, small brushes that comes with the product. As this was for review I wanted to give it a try, the brush is not the best but it is not that bad either, more like medium quality comparing angled eye liner brushes.
Oriflame improved its quality in time, and new products looks quite delicious :)
I will certainly buy few products and review those.

I liked the dark black shade, I have oily lids and as much i like using liquid eye liners they do not stay much on my eyes or they smudge and I turn into a walking "Panda"
I like the fact that it is really long lasting, Especially it is a miracle for any makeup to stay on my face & eyes in this heat.

you can clearly see that I have oily skin and lids

It is really a shame that it only comes in one shade.. :((
One of the greatest things about this gel liner is you can use it as a lash filler :D

I am not hand crafted so I find gel liner easier to use.
This exactly the same as Smashbox's gel eyeliner, Unfortunately I do not have the smashbox's gel liner anymore and I can not show you on the blog,
But it is smaller than MAC & Bobbi Brown,
You can view products through this link http://gb.oriflame.com/products/catalogue-viewer.jhtml?per=201308

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