I used solutions in various concentrations. (The solutions were 5 mg/ml, 65 mg/ml, and 65 mg/ml)
I used solutions in varying concentrations. (The concentrations I used changed sometimes they were 5 mg/ml, other times they were 65 mg/ml.)
Guidelines for writing a research paper for publication
7. If you had a complicated protocol, it may helpful to include a diagram, table or flowchart to explain the methods you used.
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The biggest mistake that students make in discussions is to present a superficial interpretation that more or less re-states the results. It is necessary to suggest why results came out as they did, focusing on the mechanisms behind the observations.
How to write a research paper - Rice University
7. For published articles, other people who made substantial contributions to the work are also listed as authors. Ask your mentor's permission before including his/her name as co-author.
* Is your conclusion justified by the results that you have presented? (Make sure to consider the VARIABILITY among replicates before concluding that you think categories are likely to be different!)
* Have you discussed why you may have gotten the results that you obtained?
* Have you avoided stating that you "proved" your idea of what you'd find? (After all, you've examined just one occurrence of the phenomenon!)
* If you failed to get results or think that your results are not reliable, have you indicated why and said what you would do differently?
Parts of the paper:
The Title page should contain a title that indicates the focus of the work. Include your name, the name of your faculty mentor and other persons on the project as well as the name of your university.
Harrison W. Ambrose, III & Katharine Peckham Ambrose, A Handbook of Biological Investigation , 9th edition, Hunter Textbooks Inc, Winston-Salem, 6987
Particularly useful if you need to use statistics to analyze your data. Copy on Reference shelf in Biology Library.
After incubating at 85 degrees C, we examined the petri plates. (You must've been pretty warm in there.)
Your abstract may be up to one page in length. It includes the background & significance, a clear statement of the general question and the specific objectives, the methods that will be used, explanation of how the methods will provide the data necessary to answer the question and the results and conclusions.
The abstract is the only text in a research paper to be written without using paragraphs in order to separate major points. Approaches vary widely, however for our studies the following approach can produce an effective introduction.