Debate Magazine

Oregon Students Get Extra Credit for Attending Biden Rally

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

This is what passes for education in Oregon’s public schools.

Teachers of two high schools in Portland, OR — Washougal and Cleveland high schools – not only gave their students the day off for attending a political rally in which VPOS Joe Biden campaigned for Democrat Sen. Jeff Merkley, the students even got extra credit for attending.

Joe Biden

Kyle Olson reports for EAGnews, Oct. 9, 2014, that “Laughing at Liberals” was there to talk to some of the attendees waiting to enter the rally.

One girl said she got extra credit for her “honors project” for attending. Another was so weak-kneed for Biden that she’s in awe just to breathe the same air as he does.

In a separate video, adults at the rally struggled to detail Biden’s accomplishments but some still liked the idea of a President Biden.

One woman said, “I support Joe because he’s had, obviously, a lot of experience. I think he had the right answer in Iraq but people didn’t follow. And I think he’s a good person.”

“We want a woman – Elizabeth Warren,” another Biden rally attendee says.

Another woman said, “We like Joe Biden – he’s got a great grin.”

Biden Joker

Her male companion chimed in, “And he’s got good working class roots and that’s what America needs.” He then held up a copy of Rolling Stone with POS Obama on the cover, and said, “I came today to see if he [Biden] would sign my recent Rolling Stone cover with Barack and, you know, he says, ‘I have Barack’s back,’ you know?”

Clearly, both the young and the adults of Portland are either stoned or have IQs the same as that of the average Equatorial Guinean.

H/t FOTM’s pnordman


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