Oh Linda! what a 5 weeks it has been! Thank you for hosting and giving everyone a chance to delve into the fun of the ORC.
As you are reading this I am whisking my artsy self to Charlotte, NC for the grand opening of Anne Neilson Fine Art. My commenting ability will be greatly reduced but I promise to read all of the fantastic ORC goodies over the weekend.
In order to corral my daughter's
I purchased two of these from from the wonders of Wal-mart *double sigh* They took freakin' forever to arrive!
I marked out what I needed on the wrong side.
The pattern was helpful to line up each edge.
Electric staple guns are highly recommended.
Bottom portion took about 30 minutes on each.
The top was not tough either.
Styling has not happened yet but I got rid of a giant bunch of clutter with these.
In other news, she had a birthday.
This is what a 17 year-old looks like when you sing "Happy Birthday" and try to take a video.
Smile! You're on mommy's blog!
That was cruel but I feel better now. Here is a sneak peek at the desk situation that the birthday girl has been using to create new work for her Etsy shop.
Just a few things to wrap up before next week's reveal.
Desk and chair situation resolvedImplement new color scheme- Find storage for records
Find storage for cosmeticsCreate gallery wall- Accessorize within new color scheme
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