Family Magazine

Open Tour NY - Unlimited Ways to See New York City

By Michelle Hernandez @Familylovesa
Last week, I attended a work conference in New York City and was so grateful to be able to take my family along with me. It would be their first time in New York and who knows when we would ever get the opportunity to go again. 
With two kids, I knew their little legs wouldn't hold up for all of the walking we would do to see all the iconic sites, so I knew a tour bus would the right choice for us. 
I found Open Tour NY and found that they were the best option for us. They had three unlimited routes: uptown, downtown, and a night tour. You could hop on or off as much as you'd like throughout the day, so we used it as a way to take us where we needed to go, allowing us to see as much as NYC as we could.  {Full Disclosure: I contacted Open Tour and received complementary 1-day tickets.) Open Tour NY - Unlimited Ways to See New York City So one day after a networking lunch, I caught up with my family and we visited the Ticketing Centre, located a block from Times Square, to redeem our vouchers. Now, this is a step you don't even have to do, you can just show the barcode on your smartphone to the driver and you're good! Open Tour NY - Unlimited Ways to See New York City The company is fairly new in New York, so you will see tons of other older buses around, but Open Tour has brand new immaculate double decker buses. The audio tour is multilingual and is available in 9 different languages and includes a special Children's narration.  Open Tour NY - Unlimited Ways to See New York City We took the Uptown Route to see the Empire State Building, Radio City Music Hall, Central Park and more. 
Open Tour NY - Unlimited Ways to See New York City We got off at the stop that meets the Downtown Route, so we could make our way to the South Street Seaport and see the Statue of Liberty.  Open Tour NY - Unlimited Ways to See New York City
Some tips when riding Open Tour NY:
  • Look for the Open Tour NY ticket agents to board the bus. They can give you the best idea of when the next bus will come. 
  • Get the 2-day tickets or more, they really give you the best value. Riding a subway to one location back and forth for a family of four is $20. The tour will take you to where you need to go, no getting lost, and you get to see other sites along the way. 
  • Give your self some time and enjoy the views.
  • Take advantage of the free meal! Your Open Tour NY ticket gives you a free paella or lasagna bolognese at Marcella Mediterranean Taverna, 11 W. 51 St. (facing Rockefeller Center) New York, NY 10019. Get off by the Rockefeller Center while on the Uptown Route.
  • Like Open Tour NY on Facebook for updates on special promotions with your tour, like a free breakfast at the Museum of the City of New York. 
  • Bookmark the "Where's My Bus" page that will give you the most current route info and find your nearest bus stop using your location.

As Open Tour keeps growing, I'm positive it is a great way for your family to sightsee and travel around NYC.

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