Fashion Magazine

OOTD|| Zara Multi-coloured Knitted T-shirt

By K @stylesocoy
OOTD|| Zara multi-coloured knitted T-shirt OOTD|| Zara multi-coloured knitted T-shirt OOTD|| Zara multi-coloured knitted T-shirt
Today's been another glorious day, so we took the opportunity to have a drive out to Clifton park in Rotherham.
I remembered this park from when I was a child and was really looking forward to the kids paddling pools, I had so much fun in them with my sisters when I was younger. Unfortunately when we got there the water area was closed for urgent repairs. They did however have a few water fountains on which the kids, and some adults including myself, were allowed to play in.... who'd have thought that a bit of water could invoke so much excitement!
OOTD|| Zara multi-coloured knitted T-shirt OOTD|| Zara multi-coloured knitted T-shirt OOTD|| Zara multi-coloured knitted T-shirt OOTD|| Zara multi-coloured knitted T-shirt OOTD|| Zara multi-coloured knitted T-shirt
Multi-coloured knitted t-shirt- Zara Denim skirt- Topshop Pink pumps- Primark Sunglasses- Primark
I picked this top up a month or so ago and I've already worn it a few times, just never gotten around to sharing it with you. It's really basic, yet really pretty, I especially like the gold stud detailing on the shoulders. It cost £25.99, which I actually think is a little overpriced for  a t-shirt, but I'd spend it again because I really love it.
Don't want you to think that I'm going on, but Zara is my new favourite place to shop. Have you seen the new season stuff? Can't wait to get my hands on some the stuff!
K x

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