Fashion Magazine

OOTD | Vintage Pastel Dress

By Megan Lillie @meganjanelillie
OOTD | Vintage Pastel Dress
OOTD | Vintage Pastel Dress
As I'm moving house in a couple of weeks (eek!), I've been starting to downsize my bedroom to make the move that little bit easier. When clearing out my wardrobe I came across this dress that I had totally forgotten about, it had well and truly been neglected. I bought it in the Vintage store, Deep, due to being drawn to the mermaid-colouring but I clearly didn't love it too much at the time. The tables turned when I pulled it out and tried it on - I guess I'll be keeping this one then!

The fit is completely weird, it's as vintage as vintage clothes come. The sleeves are structured in a way that makes the shoulders stand up slightly, but yet they're not too bulky. This dress is labelled as a size 10 so I do have to wear a belt and cinch it slightly. But doing this really exaggerates the pleated skirt, which I absolutely love. I teamed it up with my chunky burgundy shoes but eventually changed them to something more comfortable and sensible as I was going to Whitby for the day.

I feel like I haven't posted an outfit in ages and yet they are my favorite posts. Would you like to see some more outfits on Thumbelina Lillie? Or do you prefer beauty? Let me know your thoughts about this outfit too!

(P.S. As you've probably noticed, I've been absent on my blog for the past 2 weeks. If you follow my social media you will have seen why. I just wanted to say thank you for understanding, the support and kinds words have been overwhelming.)

OOTD | Vintage Pastel Dress
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