Hair & Beauty Magazine

Ootd #1

By Shimmerofpink @shimmerofpink
Hellooo shimmers,
I can't believe this is my first ever OOTD. Incase some of you don't know OOTD stands for outfit of the day.
I thought I would share my outfit with you today. I'm going for lunch with the girlies to Eastern Buffet (chinese buffet restaurant) so it's sort of casual with a bit of fanciness (if that's even a word..?)
I love clothes and I am more a trouser wearer than dress/skirt. However I did recently purchase a maroon coloured skirt from River Island which I am excited to wear I just need to find a blouse to go with it and then i will show you that outfit :)
So yeah today's outfit, I took it myself hence it's in a mirror and you can see the camera!! But anyways:-
The top is from Newlook and it's so cute with the butterfly detailing.
The blue skinny jeans are also from Newlook
The cardigan is a gem I found in Primark for £10. It's really soft and comfy to wear but is also a little bit dressy.
Hope you are having a good day
Laura xx

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