So yesterday was “International Women’s Day”, which would be more properly called “International Some Women’s Day” or “International Not All Women’s Day” or “International Day for Women Whom It’s PC to Sympathize With”. Take a look at this letter for the occasion from the “Women’s March” people and you’ll notice that they very carefully spell out all the groups of women they want to include (including LGBT women), but sex workers are conspicuously absent despite the fact that a majority of us are LGBT (and a very large fraction of transwomen especially have done sex work). And even though the House of Representatives just passed a bill (by a landslide) that, if implemented, will get many women killed, raped and otherwise harmed by cops and other evil men, we didn’t hear a PEEP about that out of any of these “Women’s Day” poseurs. How telling. I guess we’re not “real” women to these people, and yet their ilk never hesitate to attempt to whistle us up when they want us to carry water for them. As I wrote on a similar occasion last year:
Until mainstream feminism starts calling for decrim – not Swedish model or other BS falsely represented as decrim – they can fuck themselves…let female legislators introduce bills to decriminalize sex work in all 50 states & denounce “sex trafficking” hysteria in Congress. THEN we’ll talk, and not a minute before. We’re sick of your lies & insults, sick of being thrown under the bus. Fuck you and your…mainstream feminism [which] promotes & enthusiastically cheers male governmental violence vs whores…
Until mainstream “feminists” start including all women – even the ones who won’t obey them and whose motives for sex they dislike – “Women’s Day” is about nothing more than adding more kinds of authoritarians to the ruling class of a dying police state.