Before an It's On Moment you should definitely be turned on by the girl you are talking to. If not, what's the point. She should be your type. And by type, I don't mean she looks like the skinny blond girl with no boobs that rejected you in high school. No, I'm talking about the type of girl that you usually wank to. Busty in the front and stacked in the back.
And after an IOM you should be even more aroused. Why? Because you are so close to getting to see and play with all that good stuff. If you get to an IOM and you don't have that feeling of sexual excitement there is definitely something off. Either you have some form of sexual anxiety or you're just not picking girls that you are attracted to from the start. You are choosing girls you want affection and validation from. The girls our society says we should like. You don't ACTUALLY want to have sex with them - but don't worry, you won't.
After The IOM it's gut check time. What are you really in this for?