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Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

Posted on the 04 February 2018 by Oracleofprofiles @jodilogik

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)In India, marriages are considered an important milestone not only in the life of the individual getting married but also for the family members. Hence the practice of horoscope matching for marriage continues to be a key criterion for shortlisting prospective brides and grooms in arranged marriages.

However, horoscope matching using Vedic astrology in the Indian context has thrown up more questions than it answers.

The practice of horoscope matching for marriage has been a bone of contention among believers and non-believers. Some non-believers who don't believe in astrology have even attempted to conduct experiments to prove that predictions on the basis of the horoscope are no better than flipping coins!

Vedic astrology on the basis of which horoscope charts and horoscope matching is done has evolved through the millennia and is subject to different interpretations by its practitioners.

Some people are sceptical about the predictions made by the astrologer and point to numerous marriages that have ended badly in spite of the horoscope match, others have experienced predictions that never materialised, and some others have felt the same astrologer has given different interpretations for the same set of horoscopes presented for matching at different points in time!

The objective of this blog post is to present our point of view on the practice of horoscope matching using Vedic astrology. While doing so, we aim to demystify the key aspects of a horoscope chart and how horoscope matching for marriage is done.

Like any practice (including scientific fields such as modern medicine or engineering), the accuracy of astrological predictions about the success or the failure of a marriage is largely dependent on the practitioner.

3 Compelling reasons to use horoscope matching for marriage

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)Considering the complexity of Vedic astrology and the subjective nature of the interpreting horoscope charts, it is natural to consign horoscope matching to one of those things you do to keep your parents or grandparents happy.
Assuming you have access to an experienced practitioner of astrology, horoscope matching for marriage makes complete sense for the following three reasons.

1. Provides in-depth and additional validation in arranged marriages

The Indian system of arranged marriages (not forced marriages) do provide you with the opportunity to interact with the prospective match a few times before you take a final call on moving forward with the marriage. However, these interactions in an arranged marriage setting may not help both the parties understand or appreciate each other beyond evaluating the obvious information that the parties choose to share.

Horoscope matching for marriage takes into considerations the emotional, physical, psychological, financial, as well as behavioural compatibility factors between a man and woman. All of these factors cannot be verified any other way in an arranged marriage setting!

2. Horoscope matching can help you find your true love faster!

For those that consider arranged marriage as "old-fashioned" and would rather find someone on their own, horoscope matching can help catalyse the search for a soulmate. When you go out with a person on a date, it takes several meetings and interactions to start understanding the other party. It may take several months or years to figure out if you are truly compatible with the other person.

Horoscope matching can help you reach a conclusion about the person you are interested in faster. You can use basic information about the person you are interested in to find out the dimensions of your relationship that are expected to be strong as well as areas where there may some incompatibility.

3. Horoscope matching can help you think rationally

We are all victims of perceptions and most often than not, take decisions based on first impressions. When we make a long-term commitment based on limited information or superficial information, we leave everything to chance.

Horoscope matching for marriage is a data-driven approach to classifying people and matching people who are likely to have a better chance of a successful marriage or relationship. A go/no-go recommendation from your trusted astrologer helps you balance your decision-making process by evaluating a comprehensive set of compatibility factors and helping you steer clear of emotional decisions.Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

Online horoscope matching for marriage

If you would like to match your horoscope with that of a prospective match, just use the form below to submit basic details about you and your prospective match.

We will generate a compatibility report that you can download. Our matching algorithm is powered by Astrosee and this is a free service.

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)Frequently asked questions

How do you generate the compatibility report?

We have compiled our understanding of Vedic astrology into a software application that uses the Kuta system for matching a couple based on Rashis (Moon Signs) and Nakshatras (Stars).

I have follow-up questions about your report. Who can answer them?

Please visit Astrosee and navigate to the contact form. Fill out the contact form and our expert will respond to you. We cannot guarantee any timeframe for answering your questions and responses will be provided on a first come first serve basis.

Is there is a fee for generating the compatibility report or getting answers to follow-up questions?

We are offering horoscope matching for marriage as a free service and there are no charges for the compatibility report or for answering follow up questions.

Where can I get a detailed explanation of the compatibility report?

You can read our in-depth guide on horoscope matching for marriage by scrolling down. We have attempted to demystify the broad principles based on which horoscope for matching for marriage is done.Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

Online Nakshatra Matching or Compatibility Chart

Would you like to get a list of Nakshatras (stars) that are compatible with your Nakshatra?

Our Nakshatra matching or compatibility chart can give you information on people who may be compatible with you even before you get to know them in person!

Coming Soon Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)Frequently asked questions

How do I use the Nakshatra matching or compatibility chart?

You will find a list of Nakshatras that are compatible with your Nakshatra. When you are shortlisting prospective matches for marriage, people with a matching or compatible Nakshatras will likely click with you better.

I do not know my Nakshatra. How do I find out what my Nakshatra is? Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

Understanding the horoscope

Before we dive into horoscope matching for marriage, it is important to understand what a horoscope is and how it is prepared.

Horoscope is an astrological chart created for an individual based on the position of 9 planetary bodies that includes 7 real planets and 2 imaginary planets relative to the Earth's position at the time of birth. Based on the astrological chart, an experienced reader of the horoscope should be able to predict, with reasonable confidence, some or all of the key life events such as professional milestones, marriage, relationships, births, the health status of the individual. A horoscope chart of an individual is created based on the time birth, place of birth and the date of birth.

There are many schools of thoughts about the evolution of the practice of astrology.

One such theory that many contemporary practitioners of astrology believe in is that the field of astrology has evolved over thousands of years as our early ancestors started recording key life events associated with individuals and tried to correlate these events to planetary positions.

This practice is thought to be passed through the generations and has matured to a point where the predictions about future based on the horoscope is made with confidence because of the large quantum of recorded data that seems to point to a strong correlation between the planetary positions at the time of birth and the key life events.

From a scientific perspective, all planetary bodies and stars have some degree of influence on every other planetary body or star in the form of gravitational pull and magnetic fields. As human beings, we are impacted by these powerful forces. This idea of heavenly influences on the human beings is the foundation of astrology.

Interestingly, the study and understanding of astronomy have contributed to the growth of astrology!

While the date of birth and the location helps determine the position of the planetary bodies in the horoscope for the individual, the time of birth also a critical information needed to create a horoscope.

It is widely believed that as a child grows in the mother's womb, it is shielded from the influences of the planets and the earth. However, as the child enters the world, it is no longer shielded from the planetary influences and hence the time of birth becomes a critical data. In other words, the horoscope is essentially a snapshot of the positions planets at the time of birth.

An equation has no meaning unless it expresses the thought of God, - S Ramanujan, mathematics genius.

Practitioners of Vedic astrology also have a strong faith in divine intervention. They attribute some kind of divine or supernatural intuition as the source of knowledge that helped our ancestors to identify the correlation and continue to seek divine assistance to help them come up with accurate predictions.

The connection between machine learning and horoscope matching!

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are probably the most happening technological development that is taking the world by storm. Machine learning allows us to create software programs that learn from the large volumes of data and start predicting outcomes without human intervention.

For example, machine learning can monitor user behaviour when using a product or service online (such as an e-commerce store) and start predicting their behaviour (example, such as products they are likely to purchase). This works by finding a correlation between user behaviour on the e-commerce site and user attributes (past purchases, age, the device used to access the site, location, time and other parameters).

It is believed that the horoscope chart works on the same principles of machine learning. Large volumes of data about human behaviour and milestones in the lives of human beings have been correlated with planetary positions.

Every time astrologers come up with a horoscope chart for an individual, they are essentially doing a couple of things:

Horoscope matching for marriage is the art of matching two people who may carry different labels or belong to different categories. This is the same sort of prediction that machine learning offers.

Building blocks of horoscope according to Vedic astrology

Vedic astrology centres around the relative position of the moon around the earth. Although other planets and the Sun are said to influence key events in your life, the moon takes the centre stage.

When you look at any horoscope chart created on the principles of Vedic astrology, you will come across three key terms that help classify the individual into a category or label. These categorisations are dictated by the positions of the moon and the rest of the planets at the time of birth.

Key positions of the moon and other planets are represented by Rashi (Place of Moon), Nakshatra (Star) and Padam in increasing order of granularity.

Rashi represents the broad category, Nakshatra provides a further division of the Rashi and the Padam creates a finer categorisation of the Nakshatram.Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

Finally, Vedic astrology has another set of measurements to determine the strength of the planetary influences on the individual. Called the Navamsa chart, it provides another dimension of data that improves the accuracy of predictions.

In western astrology, every human being belongs to a sign that is equivalent to the Rashi. However, unlike western astrology, Vedic astrology doesn't rely on the position of the Sun for determining compatibility.

The position of the Sun in the sky (ascendant) in Vedic astrology is denoted by Lagna - for prosperity and longevity. If the individual lives close to the equator, there are 12 Lagnas in a day (roughly two hours for each Lagna). However, in northern and southern hemispheres, the numbers of Lagnas is lesser due to extended daylight during the day.

Also, Astrological charts are prepared in different formats in different parts of the world. The western astrological charts are circular, while the North Indian astrological charts are in the form of 12 spaces made with crisscross lines in a square. The South Indian astrological charts have 12 square boxes arranged around a square central box.Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

1. Rashi or Moon Sign

Although the Earth is not a perfect sphere, let's assume that the earth is a circle. If we now divide earth (a circle has 360 degrees) into 12 divisions of 30 degrees each, each of these divisions denotes a Rashi.Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

At the time of your birth, your Rashi is determined by moon's position in one of the 12 segments.

Rishi is accorded the most weight in horoscope matching. However, categorising people based just on the relative broad categorisation of Rashi alone could potentially impact the accuracy with which characteristics of a person can be predicted. This, in turn, will negatively impact horoscope matching for marriage.

2. Nakshatra or Star

If we divided the earth into 27 divisions of 13.33 degrees, each of these positions of the moon denotes a Nakshatra.Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

In other words, every Rashi is divided into 3 Nakshatras and hence there are 27 Nakshatras in total.

3. Padam

Every Rashi has 9 Padams and every Nakshatram has four Padams associated with it. The individual's Nakshatram along with the Padam becomes an important factor in determining the characteristics of the individual and the possible matches for marriage. Padams are presented as 1,2,3 or 4.

Notice how people belonging to the same Nakshatra will come under different Rashis depending on their Padam. That's because every Rashi has two Nakshatras completely under its position while one Nakshatra overlaps with the adjacent Rashi.

For example, if an individual belongs to the Kritikka Nakshatra, they may belong to Mesh Rashi or the Vrishaba Rashi depending on the Padam associated with the time of their birth.

Why do we have 9 Padams for every Rashi?

In total, there are 108 Padams (12 Rashis with 9 Padams each). In other words, every 3.33 degrees is a Padam and the moon changes its Padam approximately 108 times in approximately 30 days as it goes around the earth moving through all the Rashis and Nakshatras.

The number 108 is truly unique and significant in Vedic science and Vedic astrology.

The distance between Earth and the Moon is 108 times the diameter of the Moon and the distance between Earth and the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Sun. The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of Earth.

Curious about the significance of 108? Click here to read more.

Navamsa Chart - Measuring the strength of the planetary influences

In addition to the Rashi chart, a horoscope also includes the Navamsa chart. Navamsa, which roughly translates to "ninth division", provides yet another dimension to the horoscope from the perspective of the astrologer.

The Navamsa chart is derived from Padams and hence shows the positions of the Nakshatras and the planets in granular detail. For example, Ashwini Nakshatra, 2nd Padam will be in the first square in the Rashi chart. However, the same Nakshatra will be in the second box in the Navamsa chart as the position of the Padam is the basis for positioning the Nakshatras.

The Navamsa chart indicates the strength and the weakness of each of the planets for an individual. While the Rashi chart indicates the likely predispositions, quality and the behaviour patterns of the individual, the Navamsa chart indicates the individuals' ability to act on the predispositions or exhibit the quality or behaviour patterns.

A thorough application of Rashi chart together with the Navamsa chart dramatically improves the quality of astrological predictions for the horoscope.

Did you know why people worship Lord Rama's horoscope?

It is believed that in Lord Rama's horoscope, all the planets at the time of his birth are in an exalted position. In fact, you will find many Hindus worship Lord Rama's Horoscope at home!

While we continue to debate if Ramayana and the story of Lord Rama is a work of fiction or a historical event, just plotting the horoscope chart based on the supposed date of birth and time results in the "perfect" horoscope. This is indeed a rare astronomical occurrence and we do not know when we will ever get a date of birth and time that can produce the perfect horoscope.

There is also a lesson to be learnt when we examine the horoscope of Lord Rama. If an individual with the perfect horoscope who was considered to be God-King had to live 14 years in the forest and eventually lose his wife as well because he doubted her chastity, it is apparent that no mortal, however good the horoscope is, will have a perfect life and will definitely face challenges.

Fundamentals of horoscope matching for marriage

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)According to Vedic astrology, horoscope matching for marriage is the process of determining the suitability of a man and a woman for marriage based on the numerous parameters such as the time of birth, the relative position of the moon denoted as Rashi, Padams and Nakshatras.

It is believed that by applying a set of matching criteria, the horoscopes of a couple can predict their future interactions, compatibility of personality traits, thought processes and their ability to lead a fulfilling married life. For a horoscope to be considered a match, the minimum compatibility score is 15 and the maximum compatibility score is 36.

Based on the Vedic horoscope chart, we have identified what we believe are the key parameters based on which the success or the failure of the marriage between a man and a woman can be predicted with reasonable accuracy.

These compatibility parameters are by no means complete.

Considering the vast body of knowledge about Vedic astrology that remains largely undocumented, horoscope matching is not yet an exact science but a function of your belief in this ancient practice, the scoring algorithm used by your chosen astrologer, and the confidence you have in the outcomes predicted by the astrologer of your choice.

It is also not practically feasibility to document all the complex matching parameters in a single article.

Understanding the Kuta method for horoscope matching

The following sections highlight 12 important factors that we believe should be a part of horoscope matching for marriage. This is based on the Kuta system of evaluating horoscope match.

Horoscope Matching for Marriage - A Case Study

To help illustrate how the scoring works for a prospective couple we have taken up two couples - A & B with the following details.

Couple A - Boy is Midhuna Rashi / Mrigachira Nakshatra and girl is Kanya Rashi / Hasta Nakshatra. The date of birth and time of birth for the boy is Jan 28, 2018 at 8:30 am and that for the girl is Feb 04, 2018 at 8:30 am.

Couple B - Boy is Mesha Rashi / Bharani Nakshatra and girl is Kanya Rashi / Chitra Nakshatra. The date of birth and time of birth for the boy is Jan 25,
2018 at 8:30 am and that for the girl is Feb 05, 2018 at 6:30 am.

We will apply all the matching factors to come with the overall score.

1. Dina Kuta - Health & Happiness

Dina Kuta is used to predicting the couple's likely health and family happiness after marriage. "Dina" means daily and the Dina Kuta compatibility score predicts how supportive the other person is likely to be in order to tackle the ups and downs of life.

A couple is awarded 3 points if there is complete compatibility, 1 1/2 points if there is compatibility from the perspective of either the boy or the girl, and 0 points if there is incompatibility.

Scoring method

The Nakshatra of the bridegroom is counted from that of the bride and vice versa. If the difference is 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9, when calculated for both the bride and the bridegroom, 3 points are given. For partial compatibility, 1.5 points are given.

If the Nakshatra difference is 1, 3, 5, 7 then no points are given. If the Nakshatra difference is greater than 8, it is divided by 9 and the remainder is used to assign the score.

Vedic horoscope offers further explanation on why the couple is considered incompatible for the Dina Kuta compatibility factor as shown in the illustration below.

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)When the Nakshatra difference divided by 9 gives us a reminder of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9, Vedic horoscope offers further explanation on why the couple is considered compatible for the Dina Kuta compatibility factor.

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)If we apply the above compatibility descriptions, couple A in the case study will be categorised as Param Mitra and Sampat. In other words, couple A is predicted to be great friends and provide emotional support to each other.

Couple B will be categorised as Kshema and Naidhana. From one side, they will have a prosperous relationship, but on the other side, there will be an emotional disconnect.

2. Gana Kuta - Attitude to life or temperament

The man and woman are each assigned a Gana (race). Every Gana exhibits a certain temperament or general attitude towards life. Determining the Ganas of the couples considered for horoscope matching help determine affinity of the couple towards each other.

Temperament classification includes - 1. Deva, 2. Manushya, 3. Rakshasa and is determined by their birth Nakshatra.Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

For Gana Kuta, 6 points are awarded if there is complete compatibility, 5 points for some combinations, 1 point with minimal compatibility, and 0 points for incompatible couples.

Scoring method

The scoring method to assign points for compatibility is on the basis of the table below.

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

What do these classifications actually mean from a point of view of compatibility for marriage?

Devas (also known as Sattva) are kind, soft and sensitive. They are also steady, calm, settled, puritan and followers of dharma.

Manushya (also known as Rajas) are imperfect and are trying to fulfil their ambitions. They struggle with their weaknesses and moving between fine and harsh natures. They are considered to be dynamic, active, ambitious, and searching for answers in life.

Rakshasa (also known as Tamas) are people who may show a selfish trait but are intelligent, ambitious and aggressive.

As you can see in the scoring method, when the man and the woman belong to the same Gana, 6 points are given. When people are alike in thought and temperament, the chances of major disagreements in marriage is eliminated. They will laugh at the same jokes, like the same movies or music, and decision making as a couple becomes much easier!

Men and women with Dava Gana end up getting more points irrespective of the other person's Gana. People belonging to the Deva Gana are conservative in their thinking, they avoid confrontation and are politically correct. This explains why the couple ends up with more points even if one of them belongs to the Deva Gana.

People belonging to the Rakshasa Gana are aggressive and don't mind breaking established conventions. They are independent thinkers and don't really care for traditions and don't mind rocking the boat.

Pairing up a person with Rakshasa Gana with Deva and Manushya Gana is a recipe for trouble. Quarrelling is bound to prevail and the marriage is expected to be unhappy. However, a man and women belonging to the Rakshasa Gana can understand each other as they share the same temperament.

People with Manushya Gana chart a middle course between the Deva Gana and the Rakshasa. They are definitely more risk taking and less conservative than the Devas but at the same time, they are not as unconventional as the Rakshasas. A Deva - Manushya combination also results in a high compatibility score. However, Manushya Gana when paired with Rakshasa Gana doesn't work well and hence get zero points.

3. Yoni Kuta - Sexual compatibility

Vedic horoscope matching for marriage considers sexual compatibility between the couples as a key factor in determining the success of the marriage.

The man and woman are each assigned an animal based on their Nakshatra. The animal represents the sexual urges or behaviour of the species. Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

For Yoni Kuta, 4 points are awarded if there are compatibility and 0 points if the male and the female belong to hostile species. You could score 1, 2 or 3 points as well depending on the species associated with the Nakshatra belonging to the bride and the groom.

Scoring method

First, determine the species of the bridegroom and the bride's Nakshatras. For every species, there is an assigned number that varies from 0 to 13. Use the scoring matrix below to determine the Yoni Kuta score for the couples.

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

For our example, the coordinates (6,1) corresponding to a Yoni Kutta score of 2.

How did we come up with the compatibility scoring matrix?

According to Vedic astrology, the guidelines for sexual compatibility is closely tied to the animal pair representing the Nakshatras of the bridegroom and the bride.

Animal pairs that are considered "enemies" in the wild obviously get 0 points or score low in sexual compatibility. For examples animal pair cat and rat score zero points and the pair dog and cat scores 1 point for Yoni Kuta.

If the bride and the groom belong to the same species irrespective of male or female, there is complete sexual compatibility and a maximum of 4 points are added to the overall compatibility score.

It is also believed that the size of the sex organs is also aligned to the species associated with the Nakshatras.

According to Vedic astrology, the Mongoose has no ideal sexual partner and people belonging to the Uttaradam Nakshatram are said to never really have complete sexual satisfaction. That's why you don't see a male-female Nakshatram pair for the Mongoose.

In the western world, couples date and live together before choosing the tie the knot. Sexual chemistry is probably already there when they decide to get married. However, in India, it is not socially acceptable (at least in large parts of the country) to live together as a couple before marriage. Horoscope matching for marriage is an earnest attempt to ensure that all aspects of compatibility, including sexual compatibility, is taken into consideration before marriage.

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!) Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

4. Graha Maitram - Psychological compatibility

Graha Maitram determines the planetary friendships of the Lords of the Rashis of the bridegroom and the groom to determine if there is a psychological compatibility between the couple.

What are the Lords of the Rashis? Every Rashi has an associated planetary body that is considered as the Rashi Lord.

Here is the list of Rashis and their respective Rashi Lords.Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

A maximum of 5 points is awarded to the couple if the male and the female Rashis are friends. If one of the Rashis is friendly and the other is neutral, 4 points are given. If both the Rashis are neutral, 3 points are given. One friendly Rashi paired with an enemy (unfriendly) Rashi gets the couple 2 points and finally, if both are Rashis are unfriendly, you award 0 points to the couple.Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

Scoring method

Just use the table below to determine the friendly, neutral and unfriendly Rashi dispositions to towards each other.

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

Mental compatibility is a key factor in horoscope matching for marriage as it determines if the couple will have a smooth relationship devoid if persistent arguments, differences of opinions, and lack of understanding of each other's perspectives.

5. Nadi Kuta - Health after marriage

Nadi Kuta signifies the physical health of the couple after marriage. According to Vedic astrology, the human body has a specific type of constitution that is determined by the Nakshatra of the individual.

There are three types of Nadi - Adi or Vata, Madhya or Pita and Antya or Kapah. Every Nakshatra belongs to a Nadi as shown below.

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)Scoring method

8 points if the Nadi of the prospective bridegroom and that of the bride are different and zero points if they are the same.

Interestingly, Vedic Ayurveda also classifies the human body into three Prakritis - Vata, Pitha, Kapha and is said to correspond to the three types of Nadi.

It is believed that when the bride and the groom have the same Nadi, their offspring will have health issues and the couples are said to have a Nadi Doha.

However, further analysis is required to determine if the unfavourable Nadi Kuta should be seriously considered for rejecting the marriage.

For example, if the Nakshatras are the same for the boy and the girl and the Rashis are different, there is no Nadi Dosha. Even when the Rashis and the Nakshatras are the same but the Padams are different, there is no Nadi Dosha.

6. Rashi Kuta - Harmony in marriage

Rashi Kuta is different from the other Kutas because compatibility based on Rashi Kuta is dependent on the Rashis of the bridegroom and that of the bride. The fundamental principle here is that the position of the man's Rashi should be before that of the woman's Rashi for a successful marriage. Having the female's Rashi positioned before that of the man's Rashi could mean the woman will become dominant in a marriage.

The score can range from 7 points for total compatibility to 0 points for incompatible Rashi Kutas.

Scoring method

If the Rashi difference between the boy's Nakshatra and the girl's Nakshatra or vice versa is 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, the couple is awarded 7 points. If the Nakshatra difference is any other value, the couple gets 0 points.

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)7. Varna Kuta - Spiritual Compatibility

Varna Kuta represents spiritual compatibility of the couple.

Horoscope matching in north India considers the Rashi as the basis for Varna Kuta matching whereas the south Indian horoscope matching considers the Nakshatra for determining Varna Kuta compatibility. In either case, the Rashis and the Nakshatras are divided into four castes - Brahmin, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras.

Varnas do not denote social divisions but represent the spiritual path taken by the person. Brahmin refers to knowledge seeker, Kshatriyas are leaders and warriors, Vaishya refers to people who are attracted towards material life and Shudras are people who are anxious and delusional

If the Varna of the bridegroom is higher than that of the bride or both the bride and the groom have the same Varna, it is considered a match and 1 point is awarded. If the Varna of the bride is higher than that of the bridegroom, it is not considered as a match under Varna Kuta and no points are awarded.

Scoring Method

The tables below indicate the classification of the Rashis and the Nakshatras into four Varnas.

North Indian classification:

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

South Indian classification:

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

Varna Kuta Compatibility for Couple A

The boy, in this case, belongs to Shudra and the girl belongs to Vaishya.
As the girl's Varna is higher than that of the boy, this couple scores 0 points for Varna Kuta.

Varna Kuta Compatibility for Couple B

The boy, in this case, belongs to Kshatriya and the girl belongs to Vaishya. As the boy's Varna is higher than that of the girl, this couple scores 1 point for Varna Kuta.

8. Vashya Kuta - Ability to influence each other

Vashya Kuta is probably a controversial topic as it is about the ability the of the man to influence the wife after marriage. Considering the fact that the woman has a subservient role in the household in ancient India, this compatibility factor may not really mean much in the modern era where the woman is seen as an equal in the relationship. Vashya Kuta should be seen as a factor that determines marital accord or harmony.

Vashya Kuta, like Rashi Kuta, is also based on the Rashis. The Rashis are divided into four categories and every Rashi belongs to one of the four categories.Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

The couple is awarded 2 points if there is complete compatibility and no points if they are incompatible. Couples can also score 1 point or 1/2 point when they are partially incompatible. Here is the scoring chart for Vashya Kuta compatibility.Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

Scoring method

Vashya Kuta Compatibility for Couple A

Both the boy and the girl belong to the Nara Vashya (Midhuna and Kanya) and hence score 2 points for Vashya Kuta classification.

Vashya Kuta Compatibility for Couple B

The boy belongs to Chataspad (Mesha) and the girl belongs to Nara (Kanya Rashi) giving 1 point for Vashya compatibility.

9. Mahendra Kuta - Wealth, longevity, progeny

Vedic horoscope matching for marriage considers prosperity or wealth, longevity, and ability to have children as key factors to be considered for marriage. Mahendra Kuta denotes all of these factors.

There are no points assigned for the Mahendra Kuta. The couple either has this compatibility factor or they don't.

Scoring method

The nakshatra of the prospective bridegroom, counted from that of the bride, should be 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22 or 25 to be considered a match.

The significance of Mahendra Kuta includes the ability of the man to support the family financially or be a good provider, a long life and children for the couple. Mahendra Kuta compatibility factor adds another dimension to the overall compatibility score provided all other compatibility factors in horoscope matching for marriage. For example, couples cannot be matched just based on Mahendra Kuta alone whereas, including Mahendra Kuta compatibility factor provides another level of validation.

Some astrologers believe that even if the horoscopes match based on the overall compatibility score, an incompatible Mahendra Kuta could result in an unhappy marriage or divorce.

10. Stree-Deergha - Woman's happiness after marriage

Vedic astrology gives adequate importance to the happiness of the woman after marriage as a key factor for compatibility. Stree-Deergha denotes a compatibility factor that ensures a long marriage, good companionship and a happy wife.

No points are awarded for compatibility.

Scoring method

If the nakshatra of the bridegroom, counted from that of the bride, is at least 9 constellations away, you have a compatible Stree-Deergha.

There are several explanations that provide insights into Stree-Deergha as a compatibility factor for horoscope matching.

Vedic astrology recognises the fact that when the woman is happy, marriages are long-lasting and successful!. The farther the Nakshatra of the bridegroom from that of the bride, the better the Stree-Deergha compatibility.

The logic behind this method of horoscope matching is that the first 9 Nakshatras are indicators of self and blood relations. Hence, a larger difference in Nakshatra positions denotes happiness for the woman as she moves away from her birth family to become the part of her husband's family.

11. Rajju Kuta - Bonding between the couple

Rajju Kuta is a key matching factor for marriages in South India and is based on the groups assigned to the Nakshatras of the bride and the groom. The groups are each assigned the name of a human body part. Rajju means rope and there seems to be a cosmic rope that binds men and women who belong to certain Rajju group.

Here are the five groups of Rajju and the associated Nakshatras.

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)There are no points assigned for Rajju Kuta and is taken as yet another dimension that determines overall compatibility for marriage over and above the points-based horoscope matching process.

Scoring method

The scoring model here is simple. If the Nakshatras of the bride and the groom belong to the same group, it is considered not to be in agreement and hence not a match.

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)12. Vedha - Pain

Vedha denotes affliction or pain. When the Nakshatrams of the man and woman are not in agreement, the union of the man and the woman causes pain and suffering.

There are no points for this matching factor. It's just factor that needs to be ruled out.

Scoring method

The scoring model here is simple. Every Nakshatram pair is either in agreement or in disagreement. If the Nakshatras of the bride and the groom don't agree with each other, you have Vedha.

Just watch out if the boy and the girl have the any of the following Nakshatra pairings.

Online Horoscope Matching For Marriage (With Bonus In-depth Guide!)

Case Study - Final compatibility scores for couples A and B

Now that we have reviewed the 12 Kuta-based compatibility scores of Couples A and B from our case study, here is a summary of their scores for all the matching factors along with the overall conclusion on whether they are a match for marriage.

Horoscope matching for marriage is certainly an option worth considering if your goal is to find a shortlist of compatible matches. It is by no means a fool-proof approach to matchmaking. The success and the failure of horoscope matching for marriage is dependent on several factors beyond the individuals who are looking to get married. For example, the family members of the couple could play a major role in creating disharmony after marriage.

Like with any prediction, horoscope matching may not a 100% accurate. If the horoscopes of a couple are compatible, any marital issue can be resolved through counselling or through mutual acceptance or flexibility. Interestingly, there are successful, long-term marriages even in cases where the couple's horoscopes do not match! This can be possibly explained by the determination of the couple to make it work no matter the odds.

As we had indicated earlier, the accuracy of the predictions through horoscope matching is dependent on the astrologer's skills, understanding and depth of knowledge in a subject that has never been properly documented and has been passed on through the ages.

Horoscope matching is a great first step in your quest to find your soulmate. Use this powerful tool with a common sense approach and with your eyes wide open.

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