Philosophy Magazine

Online Black Hole Thermodynamics Conference

By Wuthrich

An announcement from Bruno Arderucio:

“In celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of The Four Laws of Black Hole Mechanics by J. M. Bardeen, B. Carter, and S. W. Hawking, we are pleased to announce a fully online event in honor of the golden wedding of black holes and thermodynamics. The conference takes place between the 4th and the 8th of December and covers black hole thermodynamics (BHT), quantum field theory in curved spacetimes (QFTCS) and relativistic quantum information (RQI). It might be interesting to some of you. You may register to attend the talks or to present a contribution. Contributions focusing on adjacent conceptual and philosophical aspects are welcome.

“There are also two minicourses to prepare students for the main event you may register to attend: one on BHT (starting next week) and another on RQI. The recordings of a third minicourse–on QFTCS–will soon be available online.

“For more information, a list of plenary speakers and registration, visit”

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