That's the all-time high on the S&P 500 – a level we hit just before Thanksgiving and, this morning, we're back to the 4,700 line – as if the two weeks after Thanksgiving never happened. And maybe nothing did – if you narrowly focus on the virus as the Omicron variant of Covid is what started the drop and now we've all decided it's not a big deal so back to "normal" in the market, which is pretty much up around 4,700 on the S&P.
Remember when Covid first hit and it was Christmas time and the Government and the media tried to assure us it was no worse than the flu? Anything to keep the stores open for the holidays or the Government will have to spend another few Trillion on bailouts next year. What's worse, another 100,000 dead citizens or spending $20M to prevent each death? You KNOW our Government doesn't value our lives that highly – insurance companies certainly don't – barely $1M in a wrongful death settlement on average.
So the Government is not going to spend 20 times the value of a citizen's life to prevent ther death – nor should they from a logical point of view. While Republicans are all about doing whatever it takes to defend your life before you are born (unless you or your mother need medical care or food or shelter, of course) – after you are born they could care less what happens to you.

Singapore just passed a law that makes unvaccinated people pay for their own treatment if they contract Covid as those people are putting a disproportionate strain on their National (Free) Health Care System (all the civilized countries have it – except the US). Singapore is one of many countries that have adopted measures to convince vaccine holdouts. Some European governments are tightening restrictions on the unvaccinated for restaurants and offices. Starting in February, Austria …
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