Photo “One Thing” by Quinn Dombrowski courtesy of Flickr
How many people do you know right now who have some kind of debilitating disease. Something that requires pills, or needles, or frequent trips to the doctor?
What if you told them there was ONE THING they could do, right now, that would probably help their condition.
I’m talking about easing the symptoms of, and even preventing many of the major diseases that plague our country today. Not only prevent them, but in some cases even REVERSE them.
Heart disease
High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Gall Stones
Kidney Stone
Crohn’s Disease
even Alzheimers.
Just One Thing
Would they listen?
What if you told them this “One Thing”
- Is not invasive
- Requires no pills to take
- Is not painful in the least
- Doesn’t involve surgery
- Not even a doctor visit
- Can be done anywhere
- Is easy
- And is very inexpensive too
Now would they listen?
Religion and Politics
You might have their attention by now, maybe…… but it’s probably more like amusing curiosity. I’m mean after all, what could YOU possibly know about health matters, or medical conditions….right?
Now mention food.
The very second you mention changing the way someone eats….. poof – gone. It’s like you asking someone to change their religion or something.
I was always taught never to discuss politics or religion – probably because they can both be very heated subjects with lots of opinions. I would like to add food to that list, and maybe even move it to the #1 location.
Mention food and EVERYONE’S hackles rise up. Because what a person eats is probably one of the few things in their life they feel they have complete control over, the one thing for many that gives them pleasure, whether it’s good for them or not.
And here you are suggesting they give up their favorite foods. How dare you?
But that IS what the One Thing is you know :
Changing the Way You Eat
Food is SO important to our health, it’s a crime it’s not taught in schools. I mean if you think about it, what does ANY life form on this planet need to survive?
Food is what provides these machines of ours with all the necessary fuel, vitamins, and minerals it needs to function.
And the requirements are known, it’s not like we haven’t figured it out by now …..water, vitamins, minerals, carbs, some protein, and some fats.
But what do we usually give it? Poison.
That’s right – food poisoning.
Because the food you eat is either nourishing your body, or it’s poisoning you. And it’s a slow poisoning that usually doesn’t show it’s effects until you grow older.
All those debilitating conditions I listed above? They are all the result of food poisoning.
And the good news? Food poisoning can be reversed.
You just need to do One Thing. One simple, easy, inexpensive thing – that could possibly save your life.
Change the way you eat.
To help you get clear, I’m going to show you a presentation from Dr John McDougall who has been teaching this concept for over 40 years now. He is a real doctor, and in fact his son, up until recently, was my own personal doctor with Kaiser Permanente.
Following the video I’ll include a handy chart Dr McDougall created you can download.
One thing. One very easy thing.
Your health is worth it.
You can do it.

Click the link below to see Dr. McDougall’s Color Picture Book.
Simply Right-Click and Save As to download it to your own computer.